
The database below contains 1,735 entries compiled from several censuses recorded by the Lloyd estate, representing over 500 men, women, and children who lived at the Wye House Plantation between 1770 and 1834. A separate list, which contains Frederick Douglass' name, can be found here. There is an option at the top of the database to view only entries from Wye House, or to view all Lloyd properties. There are 2,839 total entries of individuals from all properties.

You may search the database or browse through the names and information. To sort the entries in various ways, click on the column headings. For example, to arrange the individuals from youngest to oldest, click "Age." Click again to sort from oldest to youngest. It is initially sorted alphabetically by last name.

It is important to note that ages do not necessarily correspond to an actual date of birth, since this was not always known. Ages fluctuate between entries of the same individual and were often likely estimates. Where the age was not recorded, there will be a blank, and where the age was of an infant, there is a zero.

Notes recorded at the time by the census-taker are in the "Comments" column. Annotations from the transcriber of the historical record are in [brackets].

Where a name has been annotated with a mark such as [A] or [B], this means that there are multiple individuals with the same name. This notation was added for the online database to make it easier to distinguish between those individuals. First and last names have been separated, though they were together as one entry in the historical documents. This is to allow the reorginization of the entries alphabetically by last name. In creating the database from the transcriptions, it was necessary to use best judgement when it came to deciding what is to be considered a last name, since many of them were based on occupation or descriptions, and not necessarily shared among a family.

First Name Last Name Age Date Recorded Comments Plantation
Frank 22 1770 400 Acres
Grace 8 1770 400 Acres
Isaac 25 1770 400 Acres
Jack 6 1770 400 Acres
Magdalen 12 1770 400 Acres
Sibby 30 1770 400 Acres
Anthony 1787 400 Acres
Beck Wapping 1787 400 Acres
Bett Gooby 1787 400 Acres
Bett Gooby 1787 400 Acres
Bob's Suck 1787 400 Acres
Henny 1787 400 Acres
Ibby 1787 400 Acres
Jack Pepper 1787 400 Acres
Matt's Peg 1787 400 Acres
Old Beck 1787 400 Acres
Sue Kinnimont 1787 400 Acres
Abram 38 1793 400 Acres
Anthony 39 1793 400 Acres
Beck, Jr. Wapping 19 1793 400 Acres
Beck, little 7 1793 400 Acres
Beck's Henny 1793 400 Acres
Bob 1793 400 Acres
Bob's Suck 27 1793 400 Acres
Charles 14 1793 400 Acres
Daniel 1st 6 1793 400 Acres
Harry Kinnimont 5 1793 400 Acres
Ibb's Affey 4 1793 400 Acres
Ibb's Harry 3 1793 400 Acres
Ibby 34 1793 400 Acres
Isaac 16 1793 400 Acres
Jack Pepper 37 1793 400 Acres
Jack 2nd Kinnamont 7 1793 400 Acres
Jacob 1793 400 Acres
Matt 5 1793 400 Acres
Matt's Peg 35 1793 400 Acres
Matt's Suck 17 1793 400 Acres
Nan Kinnimont 14 1793 400 Acres
Ned 10 1793 400 Acres
Old Beck 60 1793 400 Acres
Peg (Mary Ann) Kinnimont 12 1793 400 Acres
Peg's Joice 1793 400 Acres
Peg's Nan 10 1793 400 Acres
South River Poll 1 1793 400 Acres
Suck's Esther 10 1793 400 Acres
Suck's Fanny 8 1793 400 Acres
Suck's Marena 3 1793 400 Acres
Sue Kinnimont 40 1793 400 Acres
Tom 3 1793 400 Acres
Abram 39 1794 400 Acres
Anthony 40 1794 400 Acres
Beck, Jr. Wapping 20 1794 400 Acres
Beck, little 8 1794 400 Acres
Beck's Henny 2 1794 400 Acres
Bob 1 1794 400 Acres
Bob's Suck 28 1794 400 Acres
Charles 15 1794 400 Acres
Daniel 1st 7 1794 400 Acres
Ellis 1794 400 Acres
Harry Kinnimont 6 1794 400 Acres
Ibb's Affey 5 1794 400 Acres
Ibb's Harry 4 1794 400 Acres
Ibby 35 1794 400 Acres
Isaac 17 1794 400 Acres
Jack Pepper 38 1794 400 Acres
Jack 2nd Kinnamont 8 1794 400 Acres
Jacob 1 1794 400 Acres
Matt 6 1794 400 Acres
Matt's Peg 36 1794 400 Acres
Matt's Suck 18 1794 400 Acres
Nan Kinnimont 15 1794 400 Acres
Ned 11 1794 400 Acres
Old Beck 61 1794 400 Acres
Peg (Mary Ann) Kinnimont 13 1794 400 Acres
Peg's Joice 2 1794 400 Acres
Peg's Nan 10 1794 400 Acres
South River Poll 3 1794 400 Acres
Suck's Esther 11 1794 400 Acres
Suck's Fanny 9 1794 400 Acres
Suck's Marena 4 1794 400 Acres
Sue Kinnimont 41 1794 400 Acres
Tom 4 1794 400 Acres
Abram 40 1795 400 Acres
Anthony 41 1795 400 Acres
Betts 14 1795 400 Acres
Bob 3 1795 400 Acres
Charles 16 1795 400 Acres
Daniel 1st 1795 400 Acres
Ellis 1 1795 400 Acres
Harry Kinnimont 7 1795 400 Acres
Ibb's Affey 9 1795 400 Acres
Ibb's Harry 6 1795 400 Acres
Ibby 36 1795 400 Acres
Isaac 18 1795 400 Acres
Jack Pepper 39 1795 400 Acres
Jack 2nd Kinnamont 8 1795 400 Acres
Matt 8 1795 400 Acres
Matt's Peg 37 1795 400 Acres
Matt's Suck 19 1795 400 Acres
Nan Kinnimont 16 1795 400 Acres
Ned 9 1795 400 Acres
Old Beck 62 1795 400 Acres
Peg (Mary Ann) Kinnimont 15 1795 400 Acres
Peg's Joice 3 1795 400 Acres
Peg's Nan 11 1795 400 Acres
South River Poll 4 1795 400 Acres
Sue Kinnimont 42 1795 400 Acres
Tom 6 1795 400 Acres
Abram 48 1796 400 Acres
Anthony 50 1796 400 Acres
Charles 17 1796 400 Acres
Harry Kinnimont 1796 400 Acres
Ibb's Affey 9 1796 400 Acres
Ibb's Harry 7 1796 400 Acres
Ibby 37 1796 400 Acres
Isaac 19 1796 400 Acres
Jack Pepper 41 1796 400 Acres
Matt 9 1796 400 Acres
Matt's Peg 40 1796 400 Acres
Matt's Suck 20 1796 400 Acres
Nan Kinnimont 17 1796 400 Acres
Old Beck 69 1796 400 Acres
Peg (Mary Ann) Kinnimont 16 1796 400 Acres
Sam 1796 400 Acres
Abbey 400 37 1796 400 Acres[?]
Jacob 1787 Clogg's
Judith 1787 Clogg's
Matt 1787 Clogg's
Old Priss 1787 Clogg's
Nan Copper's Priss 1787 Cloggs
Bob 60 1770 EL lot Davis's
Esther 20 1770 Davis's
Sall Cuffee 10 1770 Davis's
India 1774 Davis's
Abram 1778 Davis's
Charles 2nd 15 1787 Davis's
Nan Caesar 20 1787 from Woolmans after 1773 Davis's
Old Hannah 37 1787 Davis's
Oxford 1787 Davis's
Sall 1787 Davis's
Suck 1787 Davis's
Abram 1788 Davis's
Charles 2nd 1788 Davis's
Esther Copper 1788 ill Davis's
Jack Socker 1788 from Home House Davis's
Old Hannah 37 1788 Davis's
Sall 1788 Davis's
Abram 20 1793 full share Davis's
Abram 2nd 13 1793 full share? Davis's
Beck 2 1793 burnt & died 12/92 Davis's
Beck, 400 Acres 22 1793 full share Davis's
Beck's Sam 1 1793 Davis's
Charles 38 1793 full share Davis's
Charles 2nd 17 1793 full share Davis's
Nan Caesar 35 1793 full share Davis's
Nan 11 1793 from 400 Acres Davis's
Old Hannah 60 1793 Davis's
Poll Mitchell 17 1793 full share Davis's
Sall 24 1793 full share Davis's
Sall's George 2 1793 Davis's
Will/Bill 12 1793 Davis's
Abram 21 1794 full share Davis's
Abram 2nd 14 1794 half share Davis's
Beck, 400 Acres 23 1794 full share Davis's
Beck's Sam 4 1794 Davis's
Charles 39 1794 full share Davis's
Charles 2nd 18 1794 full share Davis's
Nan Caesar 36 1794 full share Davis's
Nan 12 1794 Davis's
Old Hannah 61 1794 Davis's
Poll Mitchell 16 1794 full share Davis's
Sall 25 1794 full share Davis's
Sall's George 4 1794 Davis's
Sall's Tom 0 1794 9 mos. Davis's
Abram 22 1795 full share Davis's
Beck, 400 Acres 24 1795 full share Davis's
Beck's Joe 0 1795 2 mos. Davis's
Beck's Sam 5 1795 Davis's
Charles 40 1795 full share Davis's
Charles 2nd 19 1795 full share Davis's
Nan Caesar 37 1795 full share Davis's
Nan 10 1795 Davis's
Nan's Guy 1 1795 Davis's
Old Hannah 62 1795 Davis's
Poll Mitchell 17 1795 full share Davis's
Poll's Nick 1795 3 mos. Davis's
Sall 26 1795 full share Davis's
Sall 2nd 12 1795 from Home House Davis's
Sall's George 5 1795 Davis's
Sall's Tom 2 1795 Davis's
Will/Bill 14 1795 full share Davis's
Abram 23 1796 Davis's
Abram 2nd 17 1796 Davis's
Beck, 400 Acres 25 1796 Davis's
Beck's Joe 2 1796 not in inventory Davis's
Beck's Sam 7 1796 not in inventory Davis's
Charles 41 1796 Davis's
Charles 2nd 20 1796 young Charles Davis's
Nan Caesar 48 1796 Davis's
Nan 15 1796 Davis's
Nan's Guy 2 1796 Davis's
Nance 2nd 8 1796 Davis's
Old Hannah 75 1796 Davis's
Poll Mitchell 1796 (Molly); to Home House Davis's
Sall 27 1796 Davis's
Sall's George 7 1796 Davis's
Sall's Tom 3 1796 Davis's
Will/Bill 16 1796 short sighted Davis's
Abraham 39 1790 12/90 list full share Dolvins
Betts 31 1790 bought 1788; 4 children Dolvins
Darcus 5 1790 Dolvins
Dick 16 1790 Dolvins
Frank 3 1790 Dolvins
Henny 13 1790 half share Dolvins
Isabel 32 1790 full share Dolvins
Jack 36 1790 12/90 list full share Dolvins
Jemmy[?] 7 1790 Dolvins
Ned 29 1790 12/90 list full share Dolvins
Old Sibby 1790 1/2 share; from Home House Dolvins
Poll 28 1790 full share Dolvins
Rachel 3 1790 Dolvins
Sall 27 1790 full share Dolvins
Suck 64 1790 died 1791 Dolvins
Tom 3 1790 Dolvins
Tom 17 1790 12/90 list full share Dolvins
Betts 32 1791 died 10/91 Dolvins
Suck 65 1791 died Dolvins
Dick 17 1792 died 8/91 at Home House Dolvins
Chloe 16 1770 to Home House Forrest
Daniel 27 1770 Forrest
Dick 23 1770 Forrest
Esther 23 1770 Forrest
Frank 18 1770 Forrest
Frank 26 1770 Forrest
Henny 4 1770 Forrest
Molly 0 1770 7 mos. Forrest
Nan 60 1770 Forrest
Sophia 10 1770 Forrest
Cate 1787 Forrest
Daniel 1787 possibly Forrest
Dick 1787 possibly Forrest
Esther 1787 Forrest
Frank 1787 Forrest
Jenny 1787 poss from Woolman or Wye Town Forrest
Nance 1787 possibly from White House Forrest
Phill 1787 possibly from Hammonds Forrest
Sall Moscow 1787 [?] / possibly from Home House Forrest
Sophia 1787 Forrest
Bett 1788 Forrest
Ned 1788 Forrest
Pris's Poll 1788 from Home House after 1787 Forrest
Bett 18 1793 full share Forrest
Betts 12 1793 Forrest
Cate 16 1793 full share Forrest
Daniel 34 1793 runaway; possibly from Home after 1773 Forrest
Dick 38 1793 full share Forrest
Dick 2nd 16 1793 full share Forrest
Esther 45 1793 full share Forrest
Fanny 14 1793 half share Forrest
Frank 33 1793 full share Forrest
Jenny 48 1793 half share Forrest
Joe Copper 24 1793 full share Forrest
Nan 3 1793 Forrest
Nance 40 1793 full share Forrest
Ned 18 1793 full share Forrest
Peg Price 14 1793 half share Forrest
Perry 15 1793 half share Forrest
Peter 50 1793 half share Forrest
Poll Wye Town 14 1793 half share / poss 1787 also Forrest
Pris's Poll 19 1793 full share Forrest
Rachel 8 1793 Forrest
Sall Moscow 27 1793 full share Forrest
Sall Pumpkin 14 1793 half share / to Hammonds Forrest
Sophia 35 1793 full share Forrest
Bett 19 1794 full share Forrest
Betts 13 1794 to 400 Acres Forrest
Cate 17 1794 full share Forrest
Dick 39 1794 full share Forrest
Dick 2nd 17 1794 full share Forrest
Esther 46 1794 full share Forrest
Fanny 15 1794 full share Forrest
Frank 34 1794 full share Forrest
Jenny 49 1794 half share Forrest
Joe Copper 25 1794 full share Forrest
Nan 4 1794 Forrest
Nance 41 1794 full share Forrest
Ned 19 1794 full share Forrest
Peg Price 15 1794 full share Forrest
Perry 16 1794 full share Forrest
Peter 51 1794 half share Forrest
Poll Wye Town 15 1794 full share Forrest
Pris's Poll 20 1794 full share Forrest
Rachel 9 1794 Forrest
Sall Moscow 28 1794 full share Forrest
Sophia 36 1794 full share Forrest
Bett 20 1795 full share Forrest
Cate 18 1795 full share Forrest
Dick 40 1795 full share Forrest
Dick 2nd 18 1795 full share Forrest
Esther 47 1795 full share Forrest
Fanny 16 1795 full share Forrest
Frank 35 1795 full share Forrest
Jacob 0 1795 3 mos. Forrest
Jenny 52 1795 half share Forrest
Joe Copper 26 1795 full share Forrest
Nan 4 1795 Forrest
Nance 42 1795 full share Forrest
Ned 20 1795 full share Forrest
Peg Price 16 1795 full share Forrest
Perry 17 1795 full share Forrest
Peter 52 1795 half share Forrest
Poll Wye Town 16 1795 full share Forrest
Pris's Poll 21 1795 full share Forrest
Rachel 9 1795 Forrest
Sall Moscow 29 1795 full share Forrest
Sophia 37 1795 full share Forrest
Bett 22 1796 Forrest
Cate 19 1796 Forrest
Dick 48 1796 Forrest Dick Forrest
Dick 2nd 20 1796 ailing; (18 yrs, 80#) Forrest
Esther 50 1796 Forrest
Fanny 17 1796 Forrest
Frank 41 1796 Forrest
Harry Kinnimont 7 1796 from 400 Acres Forrest
Isaac 11 1796 Forrest
Jacob 1 1796 Forrest
Jenny 53 1796 Forrest
Joe Copper 27 1796 Forrest
Mary Ann 0 1796 infant Forrest
Moll Kinnamont 4 1796 Forrest
Nance 50 1796 Forrest
Ned 21 1796 Forrest
Peg Price 17 1796 Forrest
Perry 19 1796 Forrest
Peter 55 1796 Forrest
Poll Wye Town 17 1796 Forrest
Pris's Poll 27 1796 Forrest
Rachel 11 1796 Forrest
Sall Moscow 30 1796 Forrest
Sam 4 1796 Forrest
Sophia 36 1796 Forrest
Cate 23 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Charles 77 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Daniel 34 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Jack 18 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Mary Ann 15 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Moses 29 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Ned 17 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Peg 24 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Peter 36 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Phill 5 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Polidore 20 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Poll 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Sall 82 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Sall 29 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Sam 20 1790 12/90 list Hackers
Cate 82 1791 Hackers
Charles 77 1791 Hackers
Daniel 34 1791 Hackers
Jack 18 1791 Hackers
Jem 20 1791 Hackers
Mary Ann 23 1791 Hackers
Moses 29 1791 Hackers
Ned 17 1791 Hackers
Peg 24 1791 Hackers
Peter 36 1791 Hackers
Phill 5 1791 Hackers
Polidore 20 1791 Hackers
Poll 3 1791 Hackers
Poll 2nd 15 1791 Hackers
Sall 29 1791 Hackers
Charles 78 1792 died 1/92 77 yrs in 1790 Hackers
Bess 23 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Bess's child 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Bob 12 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Bob 6 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Frank 54 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Frank 2nd 3 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Jenny 26 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Jupiter 11 1772 from J Cadwallader; to Home Hs Hammonds
Molly 4 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Ned 5 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Phill 10 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Priss 26 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Sall 7 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Sall 11 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Sam 8 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Suck 23 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Will 5 1772 from John Cadwallader Hammonds
Beck 1773 Hammonds
Bett 1773 Hammonds
Betts 1773 Hammonds
Bill 1773 Hammonds
Bob 1773 Hammonds
Daniel 1773 Hammonds
Frank 1773 Hammonds
Jacob (new negro or Long) 1773 Hammonds
Jacob (Town) 1773 Hammonds
Jimmy 1773 Hammonds
Natt 1773 Hammonds
Rose 1773 Hammonds
Sam 1773 boy Hammonds
Sibb 1773 Hammonds
Sue [Kinnimont?] 1773 Hammonds
Will 1774 Hammonds
Beck 1787 Hammonds
Cate Pepper 1787 from Woolmans after 1773 Hammonds
Frank 1787 Hammonds
Jacob (new negro or Long) 1787 Hammonds
Jacob (Town) 1787 Hammonds
Luce 1787 possibly from Home House Hammonds
Nan 1787 Hammonds
Rachel Pepper 1787 Hammonds
Rose 1787 Hammonds
Topping 1787 Hammonds
Will 1787 Hammonds
Henny 1788 poss from Forrest after 1770 Hammonds
Jack 1788 Hammonds
Nan, young 1788 Hammonds
Abram 16 1793 full share Hammonds
Bett 0 1793 1 day Hammonds
Bob 9 1793 Hammonds
Cate Pepper 40 1793 full share Hammonds
Doll Gooby 27 1793 full share; from Home > 1788 Hammonds
Doll Gooby's Charity 1 1793 Hammonds
Frank 58 1793 Hammonds
Frank 2nd 21 1793 full share Hammonds
Henny 28 1793 full share Hammonds
Jack 17 1793 full share Hammonds
Jack 2nd 9 1793 Hammonds
Jacob (new negro or Long) 30 1793 full share Hammonds
Jacob (Town) 35 1793 full share Hammonds
Jenny 8 1793 Hammonds
Joice 9 1793 Hammonds
Lambert 15 1793 half share Hammonds
Luce 28 1793 full share Hammonds
Nan 40 1793 full share Hammonds
Nan 2nd 1 1793 Hammonds
Nan, young 18 1793 full share Hammonds
Phill 8 1793 Hammonds
Rachel Pepper 17 1793 full share Hammonds
Rose 38 1793 full share Hammonds
Sam 7 1793 Hammonds
Sam 2nd 3 1793 Hammonds
Stephen 10 1793 Hammonds
Suck 0 1793 3 mos. Hammonds
Thomas 2 1793 Hammonds
Topping 37 1793 full share Hammonds
Will 50 1793 full share Hammonds
Abram 17 1794 full share Hammonds
Bett 1 1794 Hammonds
Bob 10 1794 Hammonds
Cate Pepper 41 1794 full share Hammonds
Doll Gooby 29 1794 full share; to Home House Hammonds
Doll Gooby's Charity 2 1794 to Home House Hammonds
Frank 59 1794 Hammonds
Frank 2nd 22 1794 full share Hammonds
Henny 29 1794 full share Hammonds
Jack 18 1794 full share Hammonds
Jack 2nd 10 1794 half share Hammonds
Jacob (new negro or Long) 31 1794 full share Hammonds
Jacob (Town) 36 1794 full share Hammonds
Jenny 9 1794 Hammonds
Joice 10 1794 Hammonds
Lambert 16 1794 full share Hammonds
Luce 29 1794 full share Hammonds
Nan 41 1794 full share Hammonds
Nan 2nd 2 1794 Hammonds
Nan, young 19 1794 full share Hammonds
Phill 9 1794 Hammonds
Rachel Pepper 18 1794 full share Hammonds
Rose 39 1794 full share Hammonds
Sall Pumpkin 13 1794 half share; from Forrest Hammonds
Sam 8 1794 Hammonds
Sam 2nd 4 1794 Hammonds
Stephen 11 1794 Hammonds
Thomas 3 1794 Hammonds
Topping 38 1794 full share Hammonds
Will 51 1794 full share Hammonds
Abram 18 1795 full share Hammonds
Bett 2 1795 Hammonds
Bob 11 1795 Hammonds
Cate Pepper 42 1795 full share Hammonds
Cate's Nan Pepper 0 1795 2 mos. Hammonds
Emanuel 1 1795 Hammonds
Frank 60 1795 possibly to Park in 1796 Hammonds
Frank 2nd 23 1795 full share Hammonds
Harry 0 1795 3 mos. Hammonds
Henny 30 1795 full share Hammonds
Jack 19 1795 full share Hammonds
Jack 2nd 14 1795 half share Hammonds
Jacob (new negro or Long) 32 1795 full share Hammonds
Jacob (Town) 37 1795 full share Hammonds
Jenny 7 1795 Hammonds
Joice 9 1795 Hammonds
Lambert 15 1795 full share Hammonds
Luce 30 1795 Hammonds
Mable 15 1795 full share; from Home House Hammonds
Nan 42 1795 full share Hammonds
Nan 2nd 3 1795 Hammonds
Nan, young 20 1795 full share Hammonds
Phill 8 1795 Hammonds
Poll 0 1795 6 mos. Hammonds
Rachel Pepper 19 1795 full share Hammonds
Rose 40 1795 full share Hammonds
Sall Pumpkin 16 1795 full share Hammonds
Sam 8 1795 Hammonds
Sam 2nd 5 1795 Hammonds
Stephen 12 1795 Hammonds
Thomas 5 1795 Hammonds
Topping 39 1795 full share Hammonds
Will 53 1795 full share Hammonds
Abram 20 1796 Hammonds
Bett 4 1796 Hammonds
Bob 12 1796 Hammonds
Cate Pepper 45 1796 Hammonds
Emanuel 3 1796 Hammonds
Frank, little 30 1796 (girl) Hammonds
Harry 0 1796 infant Hammonds
Henny 32 1796 Hammonds
Jack 2nd 16 1796 Hammonds
Jacob (new negro or Long) 36 1796 /30yrs, Hammond Jacob/ Hammonds
Jacob (Town) 38 1796 /Hammond Jacob/ Hammonds
Jenny 0 1796 infant Hammonds
Joice 11 1796 Hammonds
Lambert 17 1796 Hammonds
Luce 32 1796 Hammonds
Mable 17 1796 Hammonds
Nan 44 1796 Hammonds
Nan 2nd 5 1796 Hammonds
Nan 3rd 14 1796 Hammonds
Nan, young 22 1796 Hammonds
Nell 3 1796 Hammonds
Peg 13 1796 Hammonds
Phill 10 1796 Hammonds
Poll 2 1796 Hammonds
Rachel Pepper 21 1796 Hammonds
Rose 45 1796 Hammonds
Sall Pumpkin 19 1796 (Forrest Sall Pumpkin) Hammonds
Sam 10 1796 Hammonds
Sam 2nd 7 1796 Hammonds
Stephen 14 1796 Hammonds
Topping 50 1796 ruptured Hammonds
Will 55 1796 (Old Will) Hammonds
Liverpool 1773 New 1/4 / Park
Priss 1773 New 1/4 / Park
Rachel 1773 New 1/4 / Park
Isaac 1774 possibly to Home House New 1/4 / Park
Jacob 1774 New 1/4 / Park
Jimmy 1774 New 1/4 / Park
Joe 1774 New 1/4 / Park
Liverpool 1774 New 1/4 / Park
Old Nan 1774 midwife; to 1778 New 1/4 / Park
Rachel 1774 poss to Home Hse or Hammonds New 1/4 / Park
Antigua Jemmy 1778 New 1/4 / Park
Antigua Jemmy 1779 New 1/4 / Park
Liverpool 1779 runaway / recaptured New 1/4 / Park
Abram Copper 1784 in charge of poultry New 1/4 / Park
Abram 1787 New 1/4 / Park
Grace 1787 poss from White House New 1/4 / Park
Jack 1787 New 1/4 / Park
Joe 1787 New 1/4 / Park
Kitt's Sam 1787 from Home House New 1/4 / Park
Nan Ungle 1787 New 1/4 / Park
Sall Gooby 1787 poss fr Hmm or Home / to Home New 1/4 / Park
Daniel 1788 New 1/4 / Park
Kent Sam 1788 New 1/4 / Park
Nan's child 0 1788 New 1/4 / Park
Abram 35 1793 full share New 1/4 / Park
Bett 30 1793 full share / poss from Wye Twn New 1/4 / Park
Daniel 16 1793 full share New 1/4 / Park
Grace 40 1793 full share New 1/4 / Park
Harry 12 1793 New 1/4 / Park
Jack 30 1793 full share New 1/4 / Park
John 7 1793 New 1/4 / Park
Kent Sam 21 1793 full share New 1/4 / Park
Kitt's Sam 19 1793 full share New 1/4 / Park
Nan Ungle 26 1793 full share New 1/4 / Park
Phill 26 1793 full share New 1/4 / Park
Rachel 7 1793 New 1/4 / Park
Abram 36 1794 full share New 1/4 / Park
Bett 31 1794 full share New 1/4 / Park
Daniel 17 1794 full share New 1/4 / Park
Grace 41 1794 full share New 1/4 / Park
Harry 13 1794 half share New 1/4 / Park
Jack 31 1794 full share New 1/4 / Park
John 7 1794 New 1/4 / Park
Kent Sam 22 1794 full share New 1/4 / Park
Kitt's Sam 20 1794 full share New 1/4 / Park
Milly (Melina) 0 1794 9 mos. New 1/4 / Park
Nan Ungle 27 1794 full share New 1/4 / Park
Phill 27 1794 full share New 1/4 / Park
Rachel 7 1794 New 1/4 / Park
Abram 37 1795 full share New 1/4 / Park
Bett 32 1795 full share New 1/4 / Park
Daniel 16 1795 full share New 1/4 / Park
Grace 42 1795 full share New 1/4 / Park
Harry 14 1795 full share New 1/4 / Park
Jack 32 1795 full share New 1/4 / Park
John 10 1795 New 1/4 / Park
Kent Sam 23 1795 full share New 1/4 / Park
Kitt's Sam 21 1795 full share / to Home House New 1/4 / Park
Milly (Melina) 2 1795 New 1/4 / Park
Nan Ungle 28 1795 full share New 1/4 / Park
Phill 28 1795 sold 1795+ New 1/4 / Park
Rachel 7 1795 New 1/4 / Park
Abram 40 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Abram 7 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Bett 36 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Daniel 17 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Frank 70 1796 possibly from Hammonds New 1/4 / Park
Grace 66 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Harry 15 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Jack 35 1796 New 1/4 / Park
John 12 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Kent Sam 24 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Milly (Melina) 3 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Nan Ungle 29 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Rachel 8 1796 New 1/4 / Park
Esther 0 1794 6 mos. Severn
Fanny 4 1794 Severn
Harry 0 1794 5 mos. Severn
Ned 27 1794 full share Severn
Poll 12 1794 full share Severn
Rachel 18 1794 full share Severn
Rose 25 1794 full share Severn
Sall 15 1794 full share Severn
Beck (with Smith Matt) 30 1770 EL lot Sweats
Billy (with Smith Matt) 1770 10 mos.; EL lot Sweats
Harry Kinnimont 1770 8 mos.; JC lot; sold to EL Sweats
Jack Kinnamont 26 1770 Cooper; JC lot; sold to EL Sweats
Jacob 4 1770 w/ Nancy; EL lot Sweats
Matts 9 1770 w/ Smith Matt; EL lot Sweats
Molly 3 1770 w/ Smith Matt; EL lot Sweats
Nancy 26 1770 EL lot Sweats
Peg 11 1770 EL lot Sweats
Smith Matt 48 1770 EL lot Sweats
Sue Kinnimont 18 1770 JC lot; sold to EL Sweats
Tom (with Nancy) 6 1770 EL lot Sweats
Grace 26 1770 to Home House White House
Jack Cole 8 1770 White House
Nan Crew 23 1770 White House
Nan's Hesther 5 1770 White House
Nelly 13 1770 to Home House White House
Rose 4 1770 possibly to Wye Town White House
Suck 5 1770 (Suke) White House
Violet 35 1770 White House
Violet's Luce 10 1770 White House
Aaron 1773 White House
Abram 1773 White House
Adam 1773 possibly to Wye Town White House
Bridget 1773 White House
Charles Palmer 1773 White House
Dick, old Ungle 1773 from Home House White House
Henny 1773 girl White House
Jack Cole 1773 to Home House after 1773 White House
Jack 1773 White House
Jacob 1773 poss from Sweat's after 1770 White House
Jemmy, young 1773 White House
Megg 1773 adult White House
Moll Cuffee 1773 from Home House White House
Nan Crew 1773 White House
Nan's Hesther 1773 girl White House
Nance 1773 girl White House
Old Hannah 1773 White House
Old Stephen 1773 White House
Peg Pumpkin 1773 White House
Peg 1773 White House
Peter Pumpkin 1773 White House
Rachel 1773 adult White House
Sam 1773 White House
Sambo 1773 White House
Violet 1773 White House
Charles Gust 1774 27y 65# to RBL in division '70 White House
Violet 1774 to Home House >1774 White House
Jack Cole 1781 abducted by British White House
Bett Bandy 1787 from Woolmans after 1773 White House
Charles Palmer 1787 White House
Charles, Jr. Palmer 1787 poss born 9/1773 White House
Jacob 1787 White House
Margery 1787 White House
Moll Cuffee 1787 White House
Old Hannah 1787 White House
Peg Pumpkin 1787 White House
Sam 1787 White House
Simon 1787 poss from Home Hse after 1773 White House
Moll Cuffee 1788 White House
Simon, young 1788 White House
Violet's Child 0 1788 White House
Violet's Luce 1788 White House
Arthur 12 1793 White House
Bett Bandy 27 1793 full share White House
Bob 8 1793 from Home House? White House
Charles Palmer 48 1793 full share White House
Charles, Jr. Palmer 20 1793 full share White House
Fanny 16 1793 full share White House
Hack Sam 10 1793 White House
Hannah, young 18 1793 full share White House
Henny 4 1793 White House
Jack 6 1793 White House
Jacob 30 1793 full share White House
Jacob 2nd 3 1793 White House
Jenny 16 1793 full share White House
Jerry 20 1793 from Home House after 1788 White House
Judith 0 1793 6 mos. White House
Marena 5 1793 White House
Margery 30 1793 full share White House
Matts 15 1793 half share White House
Moll Cuffee 31 1793 full share White House
Nan Crew 48 1793 full share White House
Old Hannah 58 1793 White House
Rachel 19 1793 full share; poss fr Home/Hammd White House
Rose 8 1793 1794 at Home Hse as nurse White House
Sall 2nd Cuffee 12 1793 White House
Sam Drum 10 1793 poss to Woolmans before 1794 White House
Sam 28 1793 full share White House
Simon 35 1793 full share White House
Simon, young 16 1793 full share White House
Stephen 7 1793 White House
Arthur 12 1794 White House
Bett Bandy 28 1794 full share White House
Bob 8 1794 White House
Charles Palmer 49 1794 full share White House
Charles, Jr. Palmer 21 1794 full share White House
Fanny 17 1794 full share White House
Hack Sam 11 1794 half share White House
Hannah, young 19 1794 full share White House
Henny 4 1794 White House
Jack 6 1794 White House
Jacob 31 1794 full share White House
Jacob 2nd 3 1794 White House
Jenny 17 1794 full share White House
Jerry 21 1794 White House
Marena 5 1794 White House
Margery 31 1794 full share White House
Matts 16 1794 full share White House
Moll Cuffee 32 1794 full share White House
Nan Crew 49 1794 full share White House
Old Hannah 59 1794 White House
Rachel 20 1794 full share White House
Sall 2nd Cuffee 13 1794 half share White House
Sam 29 1794 full share White House
Simon 36 1794 full share White House
Simon, young 17 1794 full share White House
Stephen 7 1794 White House
Arthur 14 1795 White House
Bett Bandy 29 1795 full share White House
Bob 10 1795 White House
Charles Palmer 50 1795 full share White House
Charles, Jr. Palmer 22 1795 full share White House
Hack Sam 12 1795 half share White House
Hannah, young 20 1795 full share White House
Jack 7 1795 White House
Jack 0 1795 6 mos. White House
Jacob 32 1795 full share White House
Jacob 2nd 3 1795 White House
Jenny 18 1795 full share White House
Jerry 22 1795 sold <1796 to John Gibson White House
Marena 8 1795 White House
Margery 32 1795 full share White House
Matts 17 1795 full share White House
Moll Cuffee 33 1795 full share White House
Nan Crew 50 1795 full share White House
Old Hannah 60 1795 White House
Rachel 21 1795 full share White House
Rose 9 1795 White House
Sall 2nd Cuffee 14 1795 half share White House
Sam 30 1795 full share White House
Simon 37 1795 full share White House
Simon, young 18 1795 full share White House
Stephen 8 1795 White House
Arthur 15 1796 foolish White House
Bett Bandy 30 1796 White House
Bob 1 1796 infant White House
Bob 13 1796 White House
Charles Palmer 58 1796 White House
Charles, Jr. Palmer 28 1796 White House
Fanny 19 1796 White House
Hack Sam 13 1796 White House
Hannah, young 21 1796 White House
Henny 7 1796 White House
Jack 2 1796 White House
Jack 8 1796 White House
Jacob 33 1796 White House
Jacob 2nd 4 1796 White House
Jenny 23 1796 White House
Marena 9 1796 White House
Margery 33 1796 White House
Matts 18 1796 White House
Moll Cuffee 34 1796 White House
Nan Crew 54 1796 White House
Old Hannah 68 1796 White House
Rachel 22 1796 White House
Rose 10 1796 White House
Sall 2nd Cuffee 15 1796 (Sall) White House
Sam 31 1796 White House
Simon 40 1796 White House
Simon, young 19 1796 White House
Stephen 11 1796 White House
Amie 1773 Woolmans
Bett Bandy 1773 girl; to White House by 1787 Woolmans
Cate Gibson 1773 [?] if there Woolmans
Cate Pepper 1773 to Hammonds by 1787 Woolmans
Dick 1773 adult Woolmans
George Pepper 1773 Woolmans
Henny 1773 Woolmans
Jack 1773 adult Woolmans
Jenny [Bandy?] 1773 poss to Home House or Forrest Woolmans
Kitt 1773 boy Woolmans
Nan Caesar 1773 to Davis's by 1787 Woolmans
Nan Gleaves 1773 girl; to Home House by 1787 Woolmans
Peg Caesar 1773 Woolmans
Peg Cole 1773 Woolmans
Will Gleaves 1773 Woolmans
Frank 1774 possibly from 400 Acres Woolmans
Araminta 1787 Woolmans
Cate Gibson 1787 Woolmans
Frank 1787 Woolmans
George Pepper 1787 Woolmans
Henny 1787 Woolmans
Henny's Betts 1787 Woolmans
Jack 1787 boy; possibly from Home House Woolmans
Kitt 1787 Woolmans
Peg Caesar 1787 Woolmans
Peg Cole 1787 Woolmans
Suck 1787 possibly from Home House Woolmans
Will Gleaves 1787 Woolmans
Araminta 1788 Woolmans
Emanuel 1788 Woolmans
Frank 1788 Woolmans
George Pepper 1788 Woolmans
Henny 1788 Woolmans
Jack 1788 Woolmans
Kitt 1788 Woolmans
Peg Caesar 1788 Woolmans
Peg Cole 1788 Woolmans
Sall Dennis 1788 poss from Hammond or Home Hse Woolmans
Suck 1788 Woolmans
Will Gleaves 1788 Woolmans
Will Pepper 1788 Woolmans
Abram 1 1793 Woolmans
Araminta 30 1793 full share Woolmans
Bett 5 1793 Woolmans
Emanuel 26 1793 full share Woolmans
Frank 50 1793 full share Woolmans
George Pepper 40 1793 full share Woolmans
Golo Dick 16 1793 full share Woolmans
Henny 55 1793 half share Woolmans
Henny's Betts 19 1793 full share Woolmans
Henny's Dick 15 1793 half share Woolmans
Isaac 5 1793 Woolmans
Jack 24 1793 full share Woolmans
Jenny 9 1793 Woolmans
Peg Caesar 36 1793 full share Woolmans
Peg Cole 37 1793 full share Woolmans
Peg 9 1793 Woolmans
Sall Dennis 35 1793 full share Woolmans
Sam 19 1793 full share Woolmans
Sam 3rd 5 1793 Woolmans
Suck 35 1793 full share Woolmans
Suck's Sall 11 1793 Woolmans
Will Gleaves 58 1793 half share Woolmans
Will Pepper 15 1793 full share Woolmans
Abram 5 1794 Woolmans
Araminta 31 1794 full share Woolmans
Bett 5 1794 Woolmans
Emanuel 27 1794 full share Woolmans
Frank 51 1794 full share Woolmans
George Pepper 41 1794 full share; froze to death 2/ Woolmans
Golo Dick 17 1794 full share Woolmans
Golo Dick 17 1794 full share Woolmans
Henny 56 1794 half share Woolmans
Henny's Betts 20 1794 full share Woolmans
Henny's Dick 16 1794 full share Woolmans
Isaac 5 1794 Woolmans
Jack 25 1794 full share Woolmans
Jenny 9 1794 Woolmans
Kitt 29 1794 full share Woolmans
Peg Caesar 37 1794 full share Woolmans
Peg Cole 38 1794 full share Woolmans
Peg 9 1794 Woolmans
Sall Dennis 36 1794 full share Woolmans
Sam Cole 12 1794 poss fr White H; half share; sold 7/12/94 Woolmans
Sam 20 1794 full share Woolmans
Sam 3rd 5 1794 Woolmans
Suck 36 1794 full share Woolmans
Will Gleaves 59 1794 half share Woolmans
Will Pepper 16 1794 full share Woolmans
Abram 3 1795 Woolmans
Araminta 32 1795 full share Woolmans
Beck 1 1795 Woolmans
Bett 7 1795 Woolmans
Emanuel 28 1795 full share Woolmans
Esther 3 1795 Woolmans
Frank 52 1795 full share Woolmans
Golo Dick 18 1795 full share Woolmans
Henny 57 1795 Woolmans
Henny's Betts 21 1795 full share Woolmans
Henny's Dick 17 1795 full share Woolmans
Isaac 8 1795 Woolmans
Jack 26 1795 full share Woolmans
Jenny 13 1795 Woolmans
Kitt 30 1795 full share Woolmans
Mary Ann 14 1795 full share Woolmans
Peg Caesar 38 1795 full share Woolmans
Peg Cole 39 1795 full share Woolmans
Peg 10 1795 Woolmans
Sall Cuffee 30 1795 from Home House Woolmans
Sall Dennis 37 1795 full share Woolmans
Sam 21 1795 full share Woolmans
Sam 3rd 7 1795 Woolmans
Suck 37 1795 full share Woolmans
Suck's Sall 13 1795 half share Woolmans
Will Gleaves 60 1795 half share Woolmans
Will Moscow 27 1795 full share; from Home House Woolmans
Will Pepper 17 1795 full share Woolmans
Abram 4 1796 idiot Woolmans
Araminta 33 1796 Woolmans
Bett 8 1796 possibly from 400 Acres Woolmans
Betts 15 1796 poss from 400 Acres Woolmans
Cate 1 1796 Woolmans
Emanuel 30 1796 Woolmans
Esther 4 1796 Woolmans
Frank 55 1796 Woolmans
Golo Dick 19 1796 Woolmans
Henny 60 1796 Woolmans
Henny's Dick 18 1796 (Dick) Woolmans
Isaac 9 1796 Woolmans
Jack 27 1796 Woolmans
Jenny 14 1796 Woolmans
Kitt 35 1796 crippled Woolmans
Mary Ann 15 1796 Woolmans
Peg Caesar 39 1796 Woolmans
Peg Cole 40 1796 Woolmans
Peg 12 1796 Woolmans
Sall Cuffee 30 1796 Woolmans
Sall Dennis 38 1796 Woolmans
Sam 22 1796 Woolmans
Sam 3rd 8 1796 Woolmans
Suck 45 1796 Woolmans
Suck's Sall 15 1796 Woolmans
Will Gleaves 66 1796 no value Woolmans
Will Moscow 30 1796 Woolmans
Will Pepper 19 1796 Woolmans
Anthony 36 1770 Wye House
Antigua Jemmy 75 1770 Wye House
Ben Gooby 36 1770 carpenter Wye House
Bett Gooby 10 1770 Wye House
Charity Gooby 37 1770 Wye House
Cooper Natt 38 1770 Wye House
Cuffee 45 1770 sailor Wye House
Davy (with Old Sue) 10 1770 Wye House
Dick Ungle 13 1770 Wye House
Dick Ungle, old 70 1770 Wye House
Doll Gooby 7 1770 Wye House
George Cooter 17 1770 Wye House
Harry Roberts 23 1770 Wye House
Harry 17 1770 oxen boy Wye House
Harry 27 1770 tailor Wye House
House Jacob 33 1770 Wye House
Jack Cole 37 1770 wheelwright Wye House
Jack Kenting 54 1770 Wye House
Jack Wapping [A] 49 1770 cooper Wye House
Jim Cooper 20 1770 sailor Wye House
Moll Cole 47 1770 Wye House
Moll Shaw 47 1770 house servant Wye House
Molly Gibson 45 1770 Wye House
Ned 25 1770 ship carpenter Wye House
Old Jack 50 1770 Wye House
Old Sue 50 1770 chicken woman Wye House
Patience 35 1770 Wye House
Peg Shaw 22 1770 house servant Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 4 1770 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 19 1770 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Bett 1 1770 Wye House
Rachel 14 1770 w/ Cooper Natt Wye House
Tom Gooby 9 1770 Wye House
Anthony 1773 Wye House
Ben Gooby 1773 Wye House
Ben 1773 boy Wye House
Charity Gooby 1773 Wye House
Cooper Natt 1773 Wye House
Cuffee 1773 Wye House
Daniel 1773 boy Wye House
Dick Negro 1773 sailor Wye House
Doll Gooby 10 1773 Wye House
Emanuel 1773 Wye House
Frank Gooby 1773 boy Wye House
George Cooter 1773 Wye House
Harry Roberts 26 1773 Wye House
Harry 1773 Wye House
Isaac 1773 child Wye House
Jack Cole 1773 Wye House
Jack Kenting 1773 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [A] 1773 Wye House
Jack Wapping 1773 Wye House
Jack 1773 child Wye House
James 1773 boy Wye House
Jim Cooper 1773 Wye House
Jupiter 1773 boy Wye House
Kitt 1773 Wye House
Matts 1773 Wye House
Moll Shaw 50 1773 house servant Wye House
Molly Gibson 48 1773 Wye House
Negro Jack 1773 Wye House
Nurse Henny 1773 house servant Wye House
Old Sucky 1773 house servant Wye House
Old Sue 1773 Wye House
Patience 1773 Wye House
Peg Shaw 1773 house servant Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 1773 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 1773 house servant Wye House
Sailor Abram 1773 sailor Wye House
Sall Shaw 1773 house servant Wye House
Simon 1773 boy Wye House
Smith Matt 1773 Wye House
Town Harry 1773 Wye House
Violet's Neeley 1773 Wye House
Virginia Harry 1773 Wye House
W--- 1773 boy Wye House
Jack 1774 Wye House
Virginia Harry 1774 Wye House
Anthony 1781 Wye House
Davy (with Old Sue) 21 1781 Wye House
Dick Ungle 1781 Wye House
Jack Cole 1781 Wye House
Alice's Esther 1787 adult Wye House
Alice's Jack 9 1787 Wye House
Alse 34 1787 Wye House
Baker Isaac 35 1787 Wye House
Beck Cornish 15 1787 Wye House
Beck, 400 Acres 1787 Wye House
Beck, young 1787 adult Wye House
Beck's Dick 1787 Wye House
Beck's Tom 25 1787 Wye House
Bett Wapping 1787 Wye House
Big Jacob 20 1787 gardener Wye House
Bishop 1787 house servant Wye House
Charity Gooby 1787 house servant Wye House
Chloe 1787 Wye House
Cooper Natt 1787 Wye House
Cow Rachel 30 1787 Wye House
Daphne 37 1787 house servant Wye House
Davis's Sam 19 1787 Wye House
Emanuel 1787 sawyer Wye House
Emanuel 1787 adult Wye House
English Dick 31 1787 Wye House
Esther Pumpkin 1787 Wye House
George Cooter 1787 Wye House
Harry Roberts 40 1787 Wye House
Henny Cook 1787 house servant Wye House
Henny, 400 Acres 1787 Wye House
Henny, little 1787 house servant Wye House
Ibby's Beck 1787 Wye House
Isaac Copper 1787 house servant Wye House
Jack Cole 1787 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [A] 1787 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [B] 1787 Wye House
Jack Rose 1787 infirm Wye House
Jack Wapping 1787 Wye House
Jack 1787 adult Wye House
Jack 1787 boy Wye House
Jacob, little 1787 gardener Wye House
Jenny Bandy 1787 Wye House
Jenny, lame 1787 Wye House
Jenny, new negro 1787 Wye House
Jenny's Suck 1787 Wye House
Jerry 1787 boy Wye House
Joice 1787 Wye House
Joice's Jack 1787 Wye House
Kitt 1787 Wye House
Kitt's Sall 1787 Wye House
Lucy 1787 adult Wye House
Marena 1787 house servant Wye House
Matt's Molly 1787 adult Wye House
Matt's Molly 1787 woman Wye House
Matts 1787 Wye House
Moll Shaw 64 1787 Wye House
Molly Johnson 1787 Wye House
Nan Copper 1787 house servant Wye House
Nan Gleaves 1787 Wye House
Nan 1787 girl Wye House
Nat's Sarah 1787 Wye House
Nurse Henny 1787 house servant Wye House
Old Sam Pickett 57 1787 game minder Wye House
Old Sarah 60 1787 Wye House
Old Sue 1787 adult Wye House
Patience 1787 Wye House
Peg Shaw 1787 house servant Wye House
Peg 1787 adult Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 1787 house servant Wye House
Peg Shaw's Sam 10 1787 Wye House
Peter 1787 house servant Wye House
Pris's Poll 1787 adult Wye House
Pris's Will 1787 Wye House
Priss 1787 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 1787 Wye House
Rachel 1787 girl Wye House
Rose 1787 Wye House
Sailor Abram 1787 Wye House
Sailor Matt 1787 Wye House
Sailor Stephen 1787 Wye House
Sall Cuffee 13 1787 Wye House
Sall Wilks 1787 house servant Wye House
Sam, Jr. Wapping 21 1787 Wye House
Sam, Sr. Wapping 1787 caring for hogs Wye House
Sam, Sr. Wapping 45 1787 house servant Wye House
Sarah's Esther 1787 adult Wye House
Sibby 1787 Wye House
Sibby's Beck Williams 1787 girl Wye House
Smith Bob 1787 Wye House
Smith Matt 1787 Wye House
Solomon 20 1787 Wye House
South River Tom 21 1787 Wye House
Tom Gooby 1787 Wye House
Toney Smith 16 1787 Wye House
Watt 13 1787 Wye House
Will Cooper 1787 Wye House
Will Moscow 1787 Wye House
Alice's Esther 1788 Wye House
Alice's Jack 10 1788 Wye House
Alse 35 1788 Wye House
Baker Isaac 36 1788 Wye House
Beck, 400 Acres 1788 Wye House
Beck's Dick 1788 Wye House
Beck's Tom 26 1788 Wye House
Bett Wapping 1788 Wye House
Big Jacob 21 1788 gardener Wye House
Bill Johnson 1788 Wye House
Bishop 1788 house servant Wye House
Blind Sam 27 1788 Wye House
Charity Gooby 1788 house servant Wye House
Chloe 1788 Wye House
Cooper Natt 1788 Wye House
Cow Rachel 31 1788 Wye House
Daphne 38 1788 house servant Wye House
Doll Gooby 22 1788 Wye House
Emanuel 1788 sawyer Wye House
English Dick 32 1788 Wye House
Esther Pumpkin 1788 Wye House
George Cooter 1788 Wye House
Harry Roberts 41 1788 Wye House
Henny Cook 1788 house servant Wye House
Henny, 400 Acres 1788 Wye House
Henny, little 1788 house servant Wye House
Isaac Copper 1788 house servant Wye House
Isaac Roberts 1788 Wye House
Jack Cole 1788 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont 1788 Wye House
Jack Rose 1788 infirm Wye House
Jack Wapping 1788 Wye House
Jacob, little 1788 gardener Wye House
Jenny Bandy 1788 Wye House
Jenny, new negro 1788 adult Wye House
Jenny's Suck 1788 Wye House
Jerry 1788 Wye House
Jim 1788 boy Wye House
Jim [Sam Shaw?] 1788 boy Wye House
Joice 1788 Wye House
Joice's Jack 1788 Wye House
Judith 1788 Wye House
Kitt 1788 Wye House
Kitt's Sall 1788 Wye House
Marena 1788 house servant Wye House
Matts 1788 Wye House
Molly Johnson 1788 Wye House
Nan Copper 1788 house servant Wye House
Nan Gleaves 1788 Wye House
Nat's Sarah 1788 Wye House
Old Sam Pickett 58 1788 game minder Wye House
Old Sarah 61 1788 Wye House
Old Sue 1788 Wye House
Patience 1788 Wye House
Peg Shaw 1788 house servant Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 1788 Wye House
Peter Pumpkin 1788 Wye House
Peter 1788 house servant Wye House
Pris's Jacob 11 1788 Wye House
Pris's Will 1788 Wye House
Priss 1788 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 1788 Wye House
Rachel 1788 girl Wye House
Rose 1788 Wye House
Sailor Abram 1788 Wye House
Sailor Matt 1788 Wye House
Sailor Stephen 1788 Wye House
Sall Cuffee 14 1788 Wye House
Sall Wilks 1788 house servant Wye House
Sam 1788 boy Wye House
Sam, Jr. Wapping 22 1788 Wye House
Sam, Sr. Wapping 46 1788 house servant Wye House
Sibby 1788 Wye House
Smith Bob 1788 Wye House
Smith Matt 1788 Wye House
Solomon 21 1788 Wye House
South River Tom 22 1788 Wye House
Tom Gooby 1788 Wye House
Toney Smith 17 1788 Wye House
Walt 1788 Wye House
Will Cooper 1788 Wye House
Alice's Jack 14 1792 Wye House
Alse 40 1792 Wye House
Baker Isaac 40 1792 Wye House
Beck Cornish 20 1792 Wye House
Beck Wapping 40 1792 care of poultry Wye House
Beck Wapping's Will 12 1792 Wye House
Beck's Dick 32 1792 Wye House
Beck's Tom 30 1792 Wye House
Ben, Jr. Gooby 10 1792 Wye House
Bett Gooby 33 1792 Wye House
Big Jacob 25 1792 Wye House
Bishop 20 1792 house servant Wye House
Blind Sam 31 1792 Wye House
Bob 7 1792 Wye House
Charity Gooby 55 1792 Wye House
Chloe 29 1792 Wye House
Cooper Natt 48 1792 Wye House
Cow Rachel 35 1792 Wye House
Daphne 42 1792 house servant Wye House
Davis's Sam 24 1792 Wye House
Emanuel 40 1792 Wye House
English Dick 36 1792 Wye House
Esther Copper 22 1792 Wye House
Frank 35 1792 Wye House
Frank's Nelly 6 1792 Wye House
Frank's Polly 3 1792 Wye House
George Cooter 35 1792 Wye House
Henny Wapping [A] 65 1792 cook Wye House
Henny, 2nd Wapping [B] 10 1792 Wye House
Henny, little 20 1792 Wye House
Isaac Copper[?] 28 1792 Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 30 1792 cooper Wye House
Jack Cole 60 1792 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [A] 45 1792 Wye House
Jack Rose 35 1792 Wye House
Jack Kenting's Peg 12 1792 Wye House
Jack, Jr. Wapping [B] 22 1792 Wye House
Jacob Copper [A] 25 1792 Wye House
Jacob, little 24 1792 Wye House
Jenny Bandy 51 1792 Wye House
Jenny, lame 50 1792 Wye House
Jenny's Sam 29 1792 Wye House
Jn Lucy 1 1792 Wye House
Joice 38 1792 Wye House
Joice's Dick 12 1792 livery Wye House
Joice's Jack 16 1792 Wye House
Joice's Will 6 1792 Wye House
Judith 49 1792 Wye House
Kitt 48 1792 Wye House
Kitt's Harry 12 1792 Wye House
Kitt's John 6 1792 Wye House
Kitt's Suck 21 1792 Wye House
Lucy 25 1792 house servant Wye House
Lucy's Betsy 0 1792 3 mos. Wye House
Lucy's Job 0 1792 6 mos. Wye House
Lucy's Phebe 5 1792 Wye House
Lucy's Stephen 3 1792 Wye House
Mable 12 1792 Wye House
Marena 30 1792 house servant Wye House
Marena's Mary Hill 9 1792 Wye House
Marena's Sall Hill 15 1792 Wye House
Mary 3 1792 Wye House
Matt Copper 20 1792 Wye House
Molly Cooter 21 1792 Wye House
Nan Copper 23 1792 Wye House
Nan Gleaves 29 1792 Wye House
Nan Copper's Henny 0 1792 7 mos. Wye House
Nan Copper's Henny 0 1792 7 mos. Wye House
Nan Copper's Priss 4 1792 Wye House
Nan Copper's Sam 6 1792 Wye House
Nan Gleaves' Fanny 0 1792 3 mos. Wye House
Nan Gleaves' Solomon 4 1792 Wye House
Nat's Sarah 48 1792 Wye House
Nurse Henny 40 1792 Wye House
Old Sam Pickett 62 1792 Wye House
Old Sarah 65 1792 Wye House
Patience 50 1792 care of poultry Wye House
Peg Shaw 40 1792 Wye House
Peg 11 1792 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 25 1792 livery Wye House
Peg Shaw's Charlotte 8 1792 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Milly 5 1792 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Sam 14 1792 Wye House
Peter 30 1792 Wye House
Pris's Jacob 15 1792 Wye House
Pris's Will 19 1792 Wye House
Priss 50 1792 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 20 1792 Wye House
Rachel's Betts 16 1792 Wye House
Rose's Alice 10 1792 Wye House
Rose's Harry 6 1792 Wye House
Rose's Sam 4 1792 Wye House
Sailor Abram 30 1792 Wye House
Sailor Matt 32 1792 Wye House
Sailor Ned 14 1792 Wye House
Sall Cuffee 28 1792 Wye House
Sall Gleaves 10 1792 Wye House
Sall Gooby 30 1792 Wye House
Sall Wilks 28 1792 kitchen Wye House
Sall Wilk's Henry 8 1792 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Bill 0 1792 7 mos. Wye House
Sall Wilks' Dick 0 1792 7 mos. Wye House
Sall Wilks' Polly 6 1792 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Suck 4 1792 Wye House
Sam Tobey 35 1792 cooper Wye House
Sam 0 1792 3 mos. Wye House
Sam, Jr. Wapping 26 1792 Wye House
Sam, Sr. Wapping 50 1792 Wye House
Sibby 1792 Wye House
Smith Bob 30 1792 Wye House
Smith Matt 50 1792 Wye House
Solomon 25 1792 Wye House
South River Tom 26 1792 Wye House
Stephen 43 1792 Wye House
Suck's Polly Gibson 1 1792 Wye House
Tom Gooby 33 1792 Wye House
Tom 8 1792 Wye House
Violet's Rose 29 1792 Wye House
Watt 18 1792 Wye House
Will Cooper 22 1792 Wye House
Will Moscow 25 1792 Wye House
Alice's Jack 15 1793 Wye House
Baker Isaac 41 1793 Wye House
Beck's Dick 33 1793 Wye House
Beck's Tom 31 1793 Wye House
Big Jacob 26 1793 Wye House
Blind Sam 32 1793 Wye House
Davis's Sam 25 1793 Wye House
Emanuel 41 1793 Wye House
English Dick 37 1793 Wye House
George Cooter 36 1793 Wye House
Isaac Copper[?] 29 1793 Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 31 1793 Wye House
Jack Cole 61 1793 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [A] 46 1793 Wye House
Jack Rose 36 1793 Wye House
Jack, Jr. Wapping [B] 23 1793 Wye House
Jacob Copper [A] 26 1793 Wye House
Jacob, little 25 1793 Wye House
Jenny's Sam 30 1793 Wye House
Joice's Jack 17 1793 Wye House
Kitt 49 1793 Wye House
Matt Copper 21 1793 Wye House
Natt 1793 from Forrest Wye House
Old Sam Pickett 63 1793 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 26 1793 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Sam 16 1793 Wye House
Peter 31 1793 Wye House
Pris's Jacob 15 1793 Wye House
Sailor Abram 31 1793 Wye House
Sailor Matt 33 1793 Wye House
Sailor Ned 15 1793 Wye House
Sall Cuffee 29 1793 Wye House
Sam Tobey 36 1793 Wye House
Sam, Jr. Wapping 27 1793 Wye House
Sam, Sr. Wapping 51 1793 Wye House
Smith Bob 31 1793 Wye House
Smith Matt 51 1793 Wye House
Solomon 26 1793 Wye House
South River Tom 27 1793 Wye House
Stephen 44 1793 Wye House
Tom Gooby 34 1793 Wye House
Toney Smith 22 1793 Wye House
Watt 19 1793 Wye House
Will Cooper 23 1793 Wye House
Will Moscow 26 1793 Wye House
Alice's Jack 16 1794 Wye House
Alse 41 1794 Wye House
Baker Isaac 41 1794 Wye House
Beck Cornish 21 1794 Wye House
Beck Wapping 41 1794 Wye House
Beck Cornish's Polly 0 1794 6 mos. Wye House
Beck's Dick 33 1794 Wye House
Beck's Tom 31 1794 Wye House
Ben, Jr. Gooby 11 1794 Wye House
Bett Gooby 34 1794 Wye House
Big Jacob 26 1794 Wye House
Blind Sam 32 1794 Wye House
Charity Gooby 56 1794 Wye House
Chloe 30 1794 Wye House
Cooper Natt 48 1794 Wye House
Cow Rachel 36 1794 Wye House
Daphne 43 1794 Wye House
Davis's Sam 25 1794 Wye House
Emanuel 41 1794 Wye House
English Dick 37 1794 Wye House
Esther Copper 23 1794 Wye House
Esther 1 1794 Wye House
Esther's Isaac 0 1794 4 mos. Wye House
Frank 36 1794 Wye House
Frank's Nelly 7 1794 Wye House
Frank's Polly 4 1794 Wye House
George Cooter 36 1794 Wye House
Henny Wapping [A] 66 1794 Wye House
Henny, 2nd Wapping [B] 11 1794 Wye House
Henny, little 20 1794 Wye House
Isaac Copper[?] 29 1794 Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 31 1794 Wye House
Jack Cole 61 1794 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [A] 46 1794 Wye House
Jack Rose 36 1794 Wye House
Jack Kenting's Peg 14 1794 Wye House
Jack, Jr. Wapping [B] 23 1794 Wye House
Jacob Copper [A] 26 1794 Wye House
Jacob, little 25 1794 Wye House
Jenny Bandy 52 1794 Wye House
Jenny, lame 51 1794 Wye House
Jenny's Sam 30 1794 Wye House
Jn Lucy 2 1794 Wye House
Joice 39 1794 Wye House
Joice's Dick 14 1794 Wye House
Joice's Jack 18 1794 Wye House
Joice's Sam (Saul) 2 1794 Wye House
Joice's Will 7 1794 Wye House
Judith 50 1794 Wye House
Kitt 49 1794 Wye House
Kitt's Harry 12 1794 Wye House
Kitt's John 7 1794 Wye House
Kitt's Suck 22 1794 Wye House
Lucy 31 1794 Wye House
Lucy's Betsy 1 1794 1.5 yrs Wye House
Lucy's Job 3 1794 Wye House
Lucy's Phebe 6 1794 Wye House
Mable 14 1794 Wye House
Marena 30 1794 Wye House
Marena's Mary Hill 12 1794 Wye House
Mary 4 1794 Wye House
Matt Copper 21 1794 Wye House
Molly Cooter 22 1794 Wye House
Nan Copper 24 1794 Wye House
Nan Gleaves 30 1794 Wye House
Nan Copper's Henny 2 1794 Wye House
Nan Copper's Priss 5 1794 Wye House
Nan Copper's Sam 7 1794 Wye House
Nan Copper's Suck 0 1794 6 mos. Wye House
Nan Gleaves' Fanny 2 1794 Wye House
Nan Gleaves' Solomon 5 1794 Wye House
Nance Wapping 0 1794 6 mos. Wye House
Nat's Sarah 49 1794 Wye House
Nurse Henny 41 1794 Wye House
Old Sam Pickett 63 1794 Wye House
Old Sarah 66 1794 Wye House
Patience 51 1794 Wye House
Peg Shaw 41 1794 Wye House
Peg 13 1794 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 26 1794 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Charlotte 9 1794 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Marena 1 1794 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Milly 6 1794 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Sam 17 1794 Wye House
Peter 31 1794 Wye House
Pris's Jacob 16 1794 Wye House
Priss 51 1794 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 21 1794 Wye House
Rachel's Betts 17 1794 Wye House
Rose 10 1794 Wye House
Rose's Alice 11 1794 Wye House
Rose's Harry 8 1794 Wye House
Rose's Sam 5 1794 Wye House
Sailor Abram 31 1794 Wye House
Sailor Matt 33 1794 Wye House
Sailor Ned 16 1794 Wye House
Sall Cuffee 30 1794 Wye House
Sall Gleaves 10 1794 Wye House
Sall Gooby 31 1794 Wye House
Sall Wilks 29 1794 Wye House
Sall Wilk's Henry 9 1794 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Bill 2 1794 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Dick 2 1794 Wye House
Sall Wilks' John 0 1794 6 mos. Wye House
Sall Wilks' Polly 7 1794 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Suck 5 1794 Wye House
Sam Tobey 36 1794 Wye House
Sam 1 1794 1.5 yrs Wye House
Sam, Jr. Wapping 27 1794 Wye House
Sam, Sr. Wapping 51 1794 Wye House
Smith Bob 31 1794 Wye House
Smith Matt 51 1794 Wye House
Solomon 26 1794 Wye House
South River Tom 27 1794 Wye House
Stephen 44 1794 Wye House
Suck's Polly Gibson 2 1794 Wye House
Tom Gooby 34 1794 Wye House
Tom 9 1794 Wye House
Toney Smith 22 1794 Wye House
Violet's Rose 30 1794 Wye House
Watt 20 1794 Wye House
Will Cooper 23 1794 Wye House
Will Moscow 26 1794 Wye House
Alse 42 1795 Wye House
Baker Isaac 42 1795 Wye House
Beck Cornish 22 1795 Wye House
Beck Wapping 42 1795 Wye House
Beck Cornish's Dick 5 1795 Wye House
Beck Cornish's Polly 4 1795 Wye House
Beck's Dick 34 1795 Wye House
Beck's Tom 32 1795 Wye House
Ben, Jr. Gooby 12 1795 Wye House
Bett Gooby 35 1795 Wye House
Big Jacob 27 1795 Wye House
Blind Sam 33 1795 Wye House
Charity Gooby 57 1795 Wye House
Chloe 31 1795 Wye House
Chloe's Solomon 4 1795 Wye House
Cooper Natt 49 1795 Wye House
Cow Rachel 37 1795 Wye House
Daphne 44 1795 Wye House
Davis's Sam 26 1795 Wye House
Doll Gooby 30 1795 Wye House
Doll Gooby's Charity 3 1795 Wye House
Doll Gooby's Sall 1 1795 Wye House
Doll Gooby's Sam 7 1795 Wye House
Emanuel 42 1795 Wye House
English Dick 38 1795 Wye House
Esther Copper 24 1795 Wye House
Frank 37 1795 Wye House
Frank's Nelly 9 1795 Wye House
Frank's Polly 6 1795 Wye House
George Cooter 37 1795 Wye House
Henny Wapping [A] 67 1795 Wye House
Henny, 2nd Wapping [B] 11 1795 Wye House
House Jack 13 1795 Wye House
Isaac Copper[?] 30 1795 Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 32 1795 Wye House
Jack Cole 62 1795 wheelwright Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [A] 47 1795 Wye House
Jack Rose 37 1795 Wye House
Jack, Jr. Wapping [B] 24 1795 Wye House
Jacob Copper [A] 27 1795 Wye House
Jacob, little 26 1795 Wye House
Jenny Bandy 53 1795 Wye House
Jenny, lame 52 1795 Wye House
Jenny's Sam 31 1795 Wye House
Jn Lucy 5 1795 Wye House
Joice 40 1795 Wye House
Joice's Dick 15 1795 Wye House
Joice's Jack 19 1795 Wye House
Joice's Will 8 1795 Wye House
Judith 51 1795 Wye House
Kitt 50 1795 Wye House
Kitt's Harry 13 1795 Wye House
Kitt's John 9 1795 Wye House
Kitt's Suck 23 1795 Wye House
Lucy 32 1795 Wye House
Lucy's Betsy 3 1795 Wye House
Lucy's Job 4 1795 Wye House
Lucy's Matts 0 1795 4 mos. Wye House
Lucy's Phebe 10 1795 Wye House
Lucy's Stephen 6 1795 Wye House
Marena 31 1795 Wye House
Marena's Mary Hill 11 1795 Wye House
Mary 7 1795 Wye House
Matt Copper 22 1795 Wye House
Molly Cooter 23 1795 Wye House
Nan Copper 25 1795 Wye House
Nan Gleaves 31 1795 Wye House
Nan Copper's Henny 4 1795 Wye House
Nan Copper's Priss 7 1795 Wye House
Nan Copper's Sam 10 1795 Wye House
Nan Copper's Suck 3 1795 Wye House
Nan Gleaves' Dick 0 1795 6 mos. Wye House
Nan Gleaves' Fanny 4 1795 Wye House
Nan Gleaves' Solomon 5 1795 Wye House
Nat's Sarah 50 1795 Wye House
Natt 15 1795 Wye House
Nurse Henny 42 1795 Wye House
Old Sam Pickett 64 1795 Wye House
Old Sarah 67 1795 Wye House
Patience 52 1795 Wye House
Peg Shaw 42 1795 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 27 1795 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Charlotte 9 1795 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Marena 3 1795 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Milly 7 1795 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Sam 18 1795 Wye House
Peter 32 1795 Wye House
Pris's Jacob 17 1795 Wye House
Priss 52 1795 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 22 1795 Wye House
Rachel Shaw's Bett 1 1795 Wye House
Rachel's Betts 18 1795 Wye House
Rose's Alice 13 1795 Wye House
Rose's Harry 9 1795 Wye House
Rose's Sam 7 1795 Wye House
Sailor Abram 32 1795 Wye House
Sailor Matt 34 1795 Wye House
Sailor Ned 17 1795 Wye House
Sall Gleaves 11 1795 Wye House
Sall Gooby 32 1795 Wye House
Sall Wilks 30 1795 Wye House
Sall Wilk's Henry 11 1795 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Bill 4 1795 Wye House
Sall Wilks' John 2 1795 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Polly 9 1795 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Suck 7 1795 Wye House
Sam Tobey 37 1795 Wye House
Sam, Jr. Wapping 28 1795 Wye House
Sam, Sr. Wapping 52 1795 Wye House
Sibby's Beck Williams 17 1795 Wye House
Smith Bob 32 1795 Wye House
Smith Matt 52 1795 Wye House
Solomon 27 1795 Wye House
South River Tom 28 1795 Wye House
Stephen 45 1795 Wye House
Suck's Polly Gibson 4 1795 Wye House
Tom Gooby 35 1795 Wye House
Toney Smith 23 1795 Wye House
Violet's Rose 31 1795 Wye House
Watt 21 1795 Wye House
Will Cooper 24 1795 Wye House
Wye Molly's Fanny 13 1795 Fanny Cornish Wye House
Alse 54 1796 house servant Wye House
Beck Cornish 23 1796 Wye House
Beck Wapping 43 1796 Wye House
Beck 10 1796 Wye House
Beck Cornish's Dick 6 1796 Wye House
Beck Cornish's Polly 4 1796 Wye House
Beck, 400 Acres 22 1796 Wye House
Beck's Dick 35 1796 Wye House
Beck's Tom 34 1796 Wye House
Ben, Jr. Gooby 13 1796 Wye House
Bett Gooby 36 1796 Wye House
Big Jacob 28 1796 gardener Wye House
Bill, Annapolis 11 1796 Wye House
Blind Sam 36 1796 almost blind Wye House
Charity Gooby 63 1796 house servant Wye House
Chloe 38 1796 Wye House
Chloe's Solomon 5 1796 Wye House
Cooper Natt 66 1796 Wye House
Cow Rachel 38 1796 Wye House
Daphne 50 1796 Wye House
Davis's Sam 27 1796 Wye House
Doll Gooby 31 1796 Wye House
Doll Gooby's Sall 3 1796 Wye House
Doll Gooby's Sam 8 1796 Wye House
Emanuel 48 1796 sawyer Wye House
English Dick 39 1796 Wye House
Esther Copper 25 1796 Wye House
Esther's Emanuel 0 1796 infant Wye House
Esther's Isaac 3 1796 Wye House
Frank 47 1796 Wye House
Frank's Nelly 11 1796 Wye House
Frank's Polly 8 1796 Wye House
George Cooter 43 1796 carpenter Wye House
Henny Wapping [A] 80 1796 useless Wye House
Henny, 2nd Wapping [B] 14 1796 Wye House
House Jack 14 1796 Wye House
Isaac Copper[?] 34 1796 house servant Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 43 1796 carpenter Wye House
Isaac 52 1796 sawyer Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [A] 52 1796 cooper Wye House
Jack Rose 38 1796 sawyer; cripple Wye House
Jack, Jr. Wapping [B] 25 1796 wheelwright Wye House
Jack, young 10 1796 Wye House
Jacob Copper [A] 28 1796 shoemaker Wye House
Jacob, little 26 1796 gardener Wye House
Jenny Bandy 56 1796 lost an arm Wye House
Jenny, lame 56 1796 Wye House
Jenny's Sam 32 1796 Wye House
Joice 41 1796 Wye House
Joice's Dick 16 1796 Wye House
Joice's Sam (Saul) 6 1796 Wye House
Joice's Will 9 1796 Wye House
Judith 60 1796 useless Wye House
Kitt 58 1796 gardener Wye House
Kitt's Harry 15 1796 Wye House
Kitt's John 10 1796 Wye House
Kitt's Sam 21 1796 Wye House
Kitt's Suck 24 1796 Wye House
Lucy 36 1796 Wye House
Lucy's Job 5 1796 Wye House
Lucy's Phebe 11 1796 Wye House
Lucy's Poll 1 1796 infant Wye House
Lucy's Stephen 8 1796 Wye House
Marena 32 1796 Wye House
Marena's John Hill 6 1796 Wye House
Marena's Mary Hill 13 1796 Wye House
Marena's Sall Hill 18 1796 Wye House
Matt Copper 23 1796 shoemaker Wye House
Molly Cooter 24 1796 Wye House
Nan Copper 26 1796 house servant Wye House
Nan Gleaves 30 1796 Wye House
Nan Copper's Henny 5 1796 Wye House
Nan Copper's Poll 1 1796 Wye House
Nan Copper's Priss 8 1796 Wye House
Nan Copper's Sam 11 1796 Wye House
Nan Copper's Suck 3 1796 Wye House
Nan Gleaves' Fanny 5 1796 crippled Wye House
Nan Gleaves' Solomon 6 1796 Wye House
Nat's Sarah 51 1796 sickly Wye House
Natt 16 1796 Wye House
Ned 13 1796 Wye House
Nurse Henny 50 1796 Wye House
Old Sam Pickett 72 1796 game minder Wye House
Old Sarah 70 1796 useless Wye House
Patience 58 1796 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Barnett 28 1796 house servant Wye House
Peg Shaw's Charlotte 12 1796 cripple Wye House
Peg Shaw's Marena 3 1796 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Milly 9 1796 Wye House
Peg Shaw's Sam 19 1796 Wye House
Peg's Poll 19 1796 Wye House
Peter 40 1796 house servant Wye House
Pris's Jacob 19 1796 Wye House
Priss 53 1796 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 23 1796 Wye House
Rachel Shaw's Bett 3 1796 Wye House
Rachel's Betts 19 1796 Wye House
Rose's Alice 14 1796 Wye House
Rose's Harry 10 1796 Wye House
Sailor Abram 33 1796 Wye House
Sailor Harry 13 1796 Wye House
Sailor Matt 40 1796 maimed Wye House
Sailor Ned 19 1796 Wye House
Sall Gooby 36 1796 Wye House
Sall Wilks 39 1796 Wye House
Sall 0 1796 infant Wye House
Sall 36 1796 house servant Wye House
Sall Wilk's Henry 13 1796 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Bill 5 1796 Wye House
Sall Wilks' John 3 1796 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Polly 11 1796 Wye House
Sall Wilks' Suck 9 1796 Wye House
Sam Gooby 0 1796 infant Wye House
Sam Tobey 52 1796 carpenter Wye House
Sam, Jr. Wapping 29 1796 Wye House
Sibby's Beck Williams 18 1796 Wye House
Smith Bob 33 1796 lame Wye House
Smith Matt 65 1796 crippled Wye House
Solomon 28 1796 Wye House
South River Tom 31 1796 Wye House
Stephen 45 1796 gardener Wye House
Suck's Betts 1 1796 Wye House
Suck's Polly Gibson 5 1796 Wye House
Tom Gooby 36 1796 Wye House
Toney Smith 24 1796 Wye House
Violet's Rose 34 1796 Wye House
Watt 23 1796 Wye House
Will Cooper 25 1796 Wye House
Abram Copper 19 1805 Wye House
B. Cornish's Kate 8 1805 Wye House
B. Cornish's Rachel 6 1805 Wye House
B. Cornish's Sall 4 1805 Wye House
B. Gooby's [Jim?] 10 1805 Wye House
B. Rose's Beck 10 1805 Wye House
B. Rose's Bill 3 1805 Wye House
B. Rose's Rachel 7 1805 Wye House
B. Rose's Sall 1 1805 Wye House
B. Wapping's Sall 10 1805 Wye House
Baker Isaac 52 1805 Wye House
Barnett 37 1805 Wye House
Beck 12 1805 from Wye Town Wye House
Beck's Dick 43 1805 Wye House
Beck's Tom 42 1805 Wye House
Betts Cornish 32 1805 Wye House
Betts Gooby 45 1805 Wye House
Betts Wapping 62 1805 Wye House
Betts Cornish's Emanuel 1 1805 Wye House
Betts' Rose 22 1805 Wye House
Big Jacob 37 1805 Wye House
Bill Cooper 34 1805 Wye House
Bill Wilks 14 1805 Wye House
Cook Dick 25 1805 Wye House
Cooper Natt 69 1805 Wye House
Cow Rachel 47 1805 Wye House
D. Gooby's Betts 7 1805 Wye House
D. Gooby's Mariah 2 1805 Wye House
D. Gooby's Rachel 10 1805 Wye House
Davis's Jim 36 1805 Wye House
Dick Cornish [B] 15 1805 Wye House
Doll Gooby 40 1805 Wye House
Easther Copper 34 1805 Wye House
Emanuel 52 1805 Wye House
English Dick 47 1805 Wye House
Frank 47 1805 Wye House
George Cooter 47 1805 Wye House
Hager 21 1805 female Wye House
Hager's Betts 2 1805 Wye House
Harriott 17 1805 Wye House
Harry Kinnamont 17 1805 Wye House
Henny Marshall 9 1805 Wye House
Henny Wapping [B] 21 1805 Wye House
Henny's Betts 3 1805 Wye House
Henny's Bob 21 1805 Wye House
Henny's Dick 1 1805 Wye House
Isaac Copper [A] 40 1805 Wye House
Isaac Copper [B] 11 1805 Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 42 1805 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [B] 18 1805 Wye House
Jack Wapping [B] 35 1805 Wye House
Jack, Sr. Kinnamont [A] 57 1805 Wye House
Jacob Copper [A] 37 1805 Wye House
James Copper 20 1805 Wye House
Jenny Body 63 1805 Wye House
Jenny Body's Frank 11 1805 girl Wye House
Jenny's Sam 41 1805 Wye House
John Lewey 15 1805 Wye House
Joice 50 1805 Wye House
Joice's Bill 18 1805 Wye House
Joice's Henry 8 1805 Wye House
Kitt's Harry 23 1805 Wye House
Kitt's John 19 1805 Wye House
Little Jacob 35 1805 Wye House
Long Jim 47 1805 Wye House
Marena 41 1805 Wye House
Mary Hill 21 1805 Wye House
Milly 19 1805 Wye House
N. Copper's Henry 5 1805 Wye House
N. Copper's Isaac 7 1805 Wye House
N. Copper's Marena 9 1805 Wye House
N. Copper's Poll 11 1805 Wye House
N. Copper's Suck 13 1805 girl Wye House
Nan Copper 35 1805 Wye House
Nancy Marshall 10 1805 Wye House
Nelly 19 1805 Wye House
Nelly's Bill 6 1805 Wye House
Nelly's Ennels 2 1805 Wye House
Old Charity 67 1805 Wye House
Old Sam Pickett 74 1805 Wye House
Old Sarey [Vi?]nton 77 1805 Wye House
P. Shaw's Charlotte 18 1805 cripple '96 Wye House
Phill 24 1805 Wye House
Poll Cornish 13 1805 Wye House
Priss Copper 17 1805 Wye House
Priss's Jacob 27 1805 Wye House
R. Shaw's Anna 8 1805 Wye House
R. Shaw's Betts 11 1805 Wye House
R. Shaw's Margret 3 1805 Wye House
R. Shaw's Peter 6 1805 Wye House
R. Shaw's Tom 0 1805 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
Rachel Shaw 32 1805 Wye House
Rose 41 1805 Wye House
Rose's Alice 23 1805 Wye House
Rose's Harry 21 1805 Wye House
S. Hill's Anna 0 1805 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
S. Hill's Easther 6 1805 Wye House
S. Hill's Henry 3 1805 Wye House
S. Hill's Marena 8 1805 Wye House
Sailor Abram 42 1805 Wye House
Sailor Black Harry 22 1805 Wye House
Sailor Matt 44 1805 Wye House
Sailor Ned 27 1805 Wye House
Sailor Yellow Harry 16 1805 Wye House
Sall Bentley 30 1805 Wye House
Sall Gooby 42 1805 Wye House
Sall Hill 20 1805 Wye House
Sall Roberts 12 1805 Wye House
Sall Bentley's Bill 6 1805 Wye House
Sall Bentley's Sam 1 1805 Wye House
Sall Wilks' John 12 1805 Wye House
Smith Bob 42 1805 Wye House
Solomon Gleves 19 1805 Wye House
Solomon 37 1805 Wye House
South River Tom 40 1805 Wye House
Stephen 55 1805 Wye House
Suck 31 1805 Wye House
Suck's Betts 12 1805 Wye House
Suck's Fanny 2 1805 Wye House
Suck's Jacob 8 1805 Wye House
Sucks' Poll 15 1805 Wye House
Tom Gooby 45 1805 Wye House
Toney 33 1805 Wye House
Watt 31 1805 Wye House
Abram Copper 35 1822 Wye House
Abram Schooner 58 1822 Wye House
Amey Hill 9 1822 Wye House
Anna Copper 1 1822 Wye House
Anna Hill 17 1822 cripple Wye House
Anna Shaw 24 1822 Wye House
Anna Maria Beck 4 1822 Wye House
Barnet Sampson 53 1822 Wye House
Barnett Bently 12 1822 Wye House
Beck Rose 26 1822 Wye House
Beck Wapping 15 1822 Wye House
Betsy Rose 0 1822 young [infant] Wye House
Betts Cornish 48 1822 past labor Wye House
Betts Gooby 51 1822 Wye House
Betts Roberts 22 1822 Wye House
Betts Rose 39 1822 Wye House
Betts Shaw 27 1822 Wye House
Bill Bently 22 1822 Wye House
Bill Cooper 50 1822 Wye House
Bill Cooper 15 1822 Wye House
Bill Nelly 22 1822 Wye House
Bill Reason 34 1822 Wye House
Bill Rose 19 1822 Wye House
Bill Wapping 7 1822 Wye House
Bob Smith 58 1822 Wye House
Cate Cornish 24 1822 Wye House
Charity Demby 1 1822 Wye House
Charles Copper 5 1822 Wye House
Charles Kellum 14 1822 Wye House
Charles Skinner 10 1822 Wye House
Charles Wapping 2 1822 Wye House
Charlot Johnson 0 1822 [infant] born March 1, 1822 Wye House
Charlot Williams 1 1822 Wye House
Daniel Gibson 1 1822 Wye House
Daniel Johnson 2 1822 Wye House
Dick Becky 59 1822 Wye House
Dick Cornish [A] 5 1822 Wye House
Dick Cornish [B] 31 1822 Wye House
Dick Husky 17 1822 Wye House
Dick Inglish 59 1822 Wye House
Doll Roberts 56 1822 past labor Wye House
Easter Copper 51 1822 Wye House
Emanuel Baker 68 1822 past labor Wye House
Emanuel Cornish 18 1822 Wye House
Emanuel Wapping 13 1822 Wye House
Ennalls Kellum 18 1822 Wye House
Ennals Beck 2 1822 Wye House
Fanny Cornish 16 1822 Wye House
Fanny Gibson 18 1822 Hopewell Wye House
Fanny Roberts 4 1822 Wye House
Frank Cornish 27 1822 female Wye House
Franky Baker 63 1822 past labor; female Wye House
George Cooter 63 1822 past labor Wye House
Green Cooper 7 1822 Wye House
Harriott Cornish 11 1822 gone Wye House
Harry Kitt 39 1822 Wye House
Harry Rose 38 1822 Wye House
Harry Schooner 32 1822 Wye House
Harry Sutton 38 1822 past labor Wye House
Henny Marshall 25 1822 Wye House
Henny Wapping [B] 37 1822 Wye House
Hennyetta Copper 4 1822 Wye House
Henry Cooper 19 1822 Wye House
Henry Gibson 15 1822 Wye House
Henry Kellem 1 1822 Wye House
Henry Sampson 4 1822 Wye House
Henry Sutton 1 1822 dead Wye House
Henry Thomas 0 1822 [infant] Wye House
Henry Williams 7 1822 Wye House
Hester Ann Skinner 4 1822 Wye House
Isaac Copper [A] 56 1822 past labor Wye House
Isaac Copper [B] 27 1822 Wye House
Isaac Copper [C] 23 1822 house servant Wye House
Isaac Copper [D] 5 1822 Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 58 1822 past labor Wye House
Isaac Roberts [B] 1 1822 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [B] 34 1822 Wye House
Jacob Bromell [A] 53 1822 Wye House
Jacob Bromell [B] 14 1822 Wye House
Jacob Prissy 43 1822 past labor Wye House
Jacob Suck 24 1822 Wye House
Jacob Williams 4 1822 Wye House
James Colvert 4 1822 Wye House
James Copper 36 1822 Wye House
James Washington 0 1822 [infant] Wye House
Jane Demby 4 1822 Wye House
Jim Beck 7 1822 Wye House
Jim Bently 7 1822 Wye House
Jim Inglish 26 1822 Wye House
Jim Long 63 1822 past labor Wye House
Jim Pomp 27 1822 Wye House
Jim Shaw 14 1822 Wye House
Joe Roberts 16 1822 Wye House
John Bracco 10 1822 Wye House
John Greenwood 1 1822 Wye House
John Henry 5 1822 Wye House
John Kitt 35 1822 Wye House
John Sampson 2 1822 Wye House
John Skinner 17 1822 Hopewell Wye House
John Wapping 9 1822 Wye House
Johnson Bromell 3 1822 Wye House
Kitty Cox 1 1822 Wye House
Mable Skinner 15 1822 Wye House
Margaret Beck 10 1822 Wye House
Margaret Copper 15 1822 Wye House
Margaret Shaw 9 1822 Wye House
Maria Bently 10 1822 Wye House
Maria Roberts 18 1822 Wye House
Maria Skinner 12 1822 out Wye House
Maria Williams 0 1822 [infant]; 1 month Wye House
Maria Ann Roberts 0 1822 [infant]; 1 month Wye House
Mary Demby 6 1822 Wye House
Mary Hill 37 1822 Wye House
Mary Rose 15 1822 Wye House
Mary Sutton 4 1822 Wye House
Mary Ann Cooper 0 1822 [infant] Wye House
Mary Ann Gale 0 1822 young [infant] Wye House
Merena Copper 25 1822 Wye House
Merena Copper 9 1822 Wye House
Merena Sutton 0 1822 [infant] Wye House
Merena Yellow 27 1822 Wye House
Milly Cooper 4 1822 Wye House
Milly Roberts 35 1822 Wye House
Nancy Bently 15 1822 Wye House
Nanny Copper 51 1822 Wye House
Ned Roberts 12 1822 Wye House
Ned Schooner 43 1822 Wye House
Nelly Beck 29 1822 Wye House
Nelly Kellem 35 1822 Wye House
Nelly Shaw 6 1822 Wye House
Nero Billy 68 1822 Davis's Wye House
Perry Roberts 6 1822 Wye House
Peter Schooner 22 1822 Wye House
Phillis Cornish 6 1822 Wye House
Polly Copper 27 1822 Wye House
Polodore Peaca 4 1822 Wye House
Prissy Copper 33 1822 Wye House
Rachel C[oa?]l 63 1822 Wye House
Rachel Cooper 3 1822 Wye House
Rachel Cornish 22 1822 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 48 1822 Wye House
Richard Cooper 0 1822 young; [infant] Wye House
Rose Sutton 56 1822 Wye House
Rosetta Skinner 6 1822 Wye House
Sall Baker 26 1822 Wye House
Sall Bently 47 1822 Wye House
Sall Cornish 20 1822 Wye House
Sall Gooby 57 1822 Wye House
Sall Hill 39 1822 Wye House
Sall Rose 17 1822 Hopewell Wye House
Sally Johnson 0 1822 [infant] Wye House
Sam Bently 17 1822 Wye House
Sam Jinny 58 1822 to Hopewell Wye House
Sam Picket 7 1822 Wye House
Sam Shaw 45 1822 Wye House
Suck Gibson 48 1822 Wye House
Sucky Copper 29 1822 Wye House
Tom Badger 13 1822 Wye House
Tom Becky 58 1822 Wye House
Tom Gooby 61 1822 Wye House
Tom Toddy 16 1822 Wye House
Toney Smith 49 1822 Wye House
Walter Gibson 1 1822 Wye House
Walter Woofted 47 1822 Wye House
Westly Kellem 8 1822 Wye House
Westly Roberts 8 1822 Wye House
William Wilks 30 1822 Wye House
Abram Copper 36 1823 Wye House
Abram Schooner 59 1823 past labor Wye House
Amey Hill 10 1823 Wye House
Anna Copper 2 1823 Wye House
Anna Hill 18 1823 cripple Wye House
Anna Shaw 25 1823 Wye House
Anna Maria Beck 5 1823 Wye House
Barnet Bently 18 1823 Wye House
Barnet Sampson 54 1823 Wye House
Beck Nelly 30 1823 Wye House
Beck Rose 27 1823 Wye House
Beck Wapping 16 1823 Wye House
Betsy Rose 0 1823 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
Betts Cornish 49 1823 past labor Wye House
Betts Gooby 52 1823 Wye House
Betts Roberts 23 1823 Wye House
Betts Rose 40 1823 Wye House
Betts Shaw 28 1823 Wye House
Bill Bently 23 1823 Wye House
Bill Cooper 51 1823 Wye House
Bill Cooper 16 1823 Wye House
Bill Nelly 23 1823 Wye House
Bill Reason 35 1823 Wye House
Bill Rose 20 1823 Wye House
Bill Wapping 8 1823 Wye House
Bob Smith 59 1823 Wye House
Cate Cornish 25 1823 Wye House
Charity Demby 2 1823 Wye House
Charles Copper 6 1823 Wye House
Charles Kellem 15 1823 Wye House
Charles Skinner 11 1823 Wye House
Charles Wapping 3 1823 Wye House
Charlot Johnson 1 1823 Wye House
Charlot Thomas 0 1823 [infant]; born June 10 Wye House
Charlot Williams 2 1823 Wye House
Daniel Gibson 2 1823 twin Wye House
Daniel Johnson 3 1823 Wye House
Daniel of Beck Shaw 0 1823 [infant] Wye House
Dick Becky 60 1823 Wye House
Dick Cornish [A] 6 1823 Wye House
Dick Cornish [B] 32 1823 Wye House
Dick Husky 18 1823 Wye House
Dick Inglish 60 1823 Wye House
Doll Roberts 57 1823 past labor Wye House
Easter Copper 52 1823 Wye House
Ellen Copper 0 1823 [infant]; born February 10, 1823 Wye House
Emanuel Baker 69 1823 past labor Wye House
Emanuel Cornish 19 1823 Wye House
Emanuel Wapping 14 1823 Wye House
Ennalls Kellem 19 1823 Wye House
Ennals Beck 3 1823 Wye House
Fanny Cornish 17 1823 Wye House
Fanny Roberts 5 1823 Wye House
Frank Cornish 28 1823 female Wye House
Franky Baker 64 1823 past labor Wye House
George Cooter 64 1823 past labor Wye House
Green Cooper 8 1823 Wye House
Harriott Cornish 12 1823 gone Wye House
Harry Kitt 40 1823 Wye House
Harry Rose 39 1823 Wye House
Harry Schooner 33 1823 Wye House
Harry Sutton 34 1823 past labor Wye House
Henny Marshall 26 1823 Wye House
Henny Wapping [B] 38 1823 Wye House
Hennyetta Copper 5 1823 Wye House
Henry Cooper 20 1823 dead Wye House
Henry Gibson 16 1823 Wye House
Henry Kellem 2 1823 Wye House
Henry Sampson 5 1823 Wye House
Henry Thomas 0 1823 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
Henry Williams 8 1823 Wye House
Hester Ann Skinner 5 1823 Wye House
Isaac Copper [A] 57 1823 past labor Wye House
Isaac Copper [B] 28 1823 Wye House
Isaac Copper [C] 24 1823 Wye House
Isaac Copper [D] 6 1823 Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 59 1823 past labor Wye House
Isaac Roberts [B] 2 1823 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [B] 35 1823 Wye House
Jacob Bromell [A] 54 1823 Wye House
Jacob Bromell [B] 15 1823 Wye House
Jacob Prissy 44 1823 past labor Wye House
Jacob Suck 25 1823 Wye House
Jacob Williams 5 1823 Wye House
Jacob Robens Copper 0 1823 [infant] Wye House
James Colvert 5 1823 Wye House
James Copper 37 1823 Wye House
James Washington 0 1823 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
Jane Demby 5 1823 Wye House
Jim Beck 8 1823 Wye House
Jim Bently 8 1823 Wye House
Jim Inglish 27 1823 Wye House
Jim Long 64 1823 past labor Wye House
Jim Pomp 28 1823 Wye House
Jim Shaw 15 1823 Wye House
Joe Roberts 17 1823 Wye House
John Bracco 11 1823 Wye House
John Greenwood 2 1823 Wye House
John Henry 6 1823 Wye House
John Kitt 36 1823 Wye House
John Lucy 0 1823 [infant]; born May 4 Wye House
John Sampson 3 1823 Wye House
John Wapping 10 1823 Wye House
Johnson Bromell 4 1823 Wye House
Kitty Cox 2 1823 Wye House
Mable Skinner 16 1823 Wye House
Margaret Beck 11 1823 Wye House
Margaret Copper 16 1823 Wye House
Margaret Shaw 10 1823 Wye House
Maria Bently 11 1823 Wye House
Maria Roberts 19 1823 Wye House
Maria Skinner 13 1823 Wye House
Maria Williams 1 1823 Wye House
Maria Ann Roberts 1 1823 Wye House
Mary Cooper 1 1823 Wye House
Mary Demby 7 1823 Wye House
Mary Hill 38 1823 Wye House
Mary Rose 16 1823 Wye House
Mary Sutton 5 1823 Wye House
Mary Williams 0 1823 [infant] Wye House
Mary Ann Gale 0 1823 [infant] Wye House
Merena Copper 26 1823 Wye House
Merena Copper 10 1823 Wye House
Merena Sutton 0 1823 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
Merena Yellow 28 1823 Wye House
Milly Cooper 5 1823 Wye House
Milly Roberts 36 1823 Wye House
Nancy Bently 16 1823 Wye House
Nancy Copper 52 1823 Wye House
Ned Roberts 13 1823 out Wye House
Ned Schooner 44 1823 Wye House
Nelly Kellem 36 1823 Wye House
Nelly Shaw 7 1823 Wye House
Perry Roberts 7 1823 Wye House
Peter Roberts 0 1823 [infant]; born December 8 Wye House
Peter Schooner 23 1823 Wye House
Phillis Cornish 7 1823 Wye House
Polly Copper 28 1823 Wye House
Polodore Peaca 5 1823 Wye House
Prissy Copper 34 1823 Wye House
Rachel Cape 64 1823 Wye House
Rachel Cooper 4 1823 Wye House
Rachel Cornish 23 1823 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 49 1823 Wye House
Richard Cooper 0 1823 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
Rose Sutton 57 1823 Wye House
Rosetta Skinner 7 1823 Wye House
Sall Baker 27 1823 Wye House
Sall Bently 48 1823 Wye House
Sall Cornish 21 1823 dead Wye House
Sall Gooby 58 1823 Wye House
Sall Hill 40 1823 Wye House
Sally Johnson 0 1823 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
Sam Bently 18 1823 Wye House
Sam Picket 8 1823 Wye House
Sam Shaw 46 1823 Wye House
Suck Gibson 49 1823 Wye House
Sucky Copper 30 1823 Wye House
Tom Badger 14 1823 Wye House
Tom Becky 59 1823 Wye House
Tom Gooby 62 1823 Wye House
Tom Toddy 17 1823 Wye House
Toney Smith 50 1823 Wye House
Walter Gibson 2 1823 twin Wye House
Walter Woofter 48 1823 Wye House
Wesley Kellum 9 1823 Wye House
Wesley Roberts 9 1823 Wye House
William Wilks 31 1823 Wye House
Abram Copper 37 1824 Wye House
Abram Schooner 60 1824 dead Wye House
Amey Hill 11 1824 Wye House
Anna Copper 3 1824 Wye House
Anna Hill 19 1824 cripple Wye House
Anna Shaw 26 1824 Wye House
Anna Maria Beck 6 1824 Wye House
Barnet Bently 14 1824 Wye House
Barnett Sampson 55 1824 Wye House
Beck Nelly 31 1824 Wye House
Beck Rose 28 1824 Wye House
Beck Wapping 17 1824 Wye House
Betts Cornish 50 1824 past labor Wye House
Betts Gooby 53 1824 Wye House
Betts Roberts 24 1824 Wye House
Betts Rose 41 1824 Wye House
Betts Shaw 29 1824 Wye House
Betty Rose 1 1824 Wye House
Bill Bently 24 1824 Wye House
Bill Cooper 52 1824 Wye House
Bill Cooper 17 1824 Wye House
Bill Nelly 24 1824 Wye House
Bill Reason 36 1824 Wye House
Bill Rose 21 1824 Wye House
Bill Wapping 9 1824 Wye House
Bob Smith 60 1824 Wye House
Cate Cornish 26 1824 Wye House
Charity Demby 3 1824 Wye House
Charles Copper 7 1824 Wye House
Charles Kellem 16 1824 Wye House
Charles Skinner 12 1824 out Wye House
Charles Wapping 4 1824 Wye House
Charlot Johnson 2 1824 Wye House
Charlot Thomas 0 1824 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
Charlot Williams 3 1824 Wye House
Daniel Gibson 3 1824 twin Wye House
Daniel Johnson 4 1824 Wye House
Daniel of Beck Shaw 0 1824 [infant]; 3 months Wye House
Dick Becky 61 1824 Wye House
Dick Cornish [A] 7 1824 Wye House
Dick Cornish [B] 33 1824 Wye House
Dick Husky 19 1824 dead Wye House
Dick Inglish 61 1824 Wye House
Doll Roberts 58 1824 past labor Wye House
Easter Copper 53 1824 Wye House
Ellen Copper 0 1824 [infant]; 9 months Wye House
Emanuel Baker 70 1824 dead Wye House
Emanuel Cornish 20 1824 Wye House
Emanuel Wapping 15 1824 Wye House
Ennals Beck 4 1824 Wye House
Ennals Kellum 20 1824 Wye House
Esau Cox 0 1824 [infant]; born May Wye House
Fanny Cornish 18 1824 Wye House
Fanny Roberts 6 1824 Wye House
Frank Cornish 29 1824 female Wye House
Franky Baker 65 1824 past labor Wye House
George Cooter 65 1824 past labor Wye House
Green Cooper 9 1824 Wye House
Harry Kitt 41 1824 Wye House
Harry Rose 40 1824 Wye House
Harry Schooner 34 1824 Wye House
Harry Sutton 35 1824 dead Wye House
Henny Wapping [B] 39 1824 Wye House
Hennyetta Copper 6 1824 Wye House
Henry Gibson 17 1824 Wye House
Henry Kellem 3 1824 Wye House
Henry Sampson 6 1824 Wye House
Henry Thomas 1 1824 Wye House
Henry Williams 9 1824 Wye House
Hessy Sutton 0 1824 [infant]; born March Wye House
Hester Ann Skinner 6 1824 Wye House
Isaac Copper [A] 58 1824 past labor Wye House
Isaac Copper [B] 29 1824 Wye House
Isaac Copper [C] 25 1824 house Wye House
Isaac Copper [D] 7 1824 Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 60 1824 past labor Wye House
Isaac Roberts [B] 3 1824 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [B] 36 1824 Wye House
Jacob Bromell [A] 55 1824 Wye House
Jacob Bromell [B] 16 1824 Wye House
Jacob Copper 0 1824 [infant]; 3 months Wye House
Jacob Johnson 0 1824 [infant]; born March Wye House
Jacob Prissy 45 1824 past labor Wye House
Jacob Sucks 26 1824 Wye House
Jacob Williams 6 1824 Wye House
James Colvert 6 1824 Wye House
James Copper 38 1824 Wye House
James Washington 1 1824 Wye House
Jane Demby 6 1824 Wye House
Jim Beck 9 1824 Wye House
Jim Bently 9 1824 Wye House
Jim Inglish 28 1824 Wye House
Jim Long 65 1824 dead Wye House
Jim Pomp 29 1824 Wye House
Jim Shaw 16 1824 Wye House
John Bracco 12 1824 out Wye House
John Greenwood 3 1824 Wye House
John Henry 7 1824 Wye House
John Kitt 41 1824 Wye House
John Lucy 0 1824 [infant]; 8 months Wye House
John Sampson 4 1824 Wye House
John Wapping 11 1824 out Wye House
Johnson Bromell 5 1824 Wye House
Kitty Cox 3 1824 Wye House
Mable Skinner 17 1824 Wye House
Margaret Beck 12 1824 Wye House
Margaret Copper 17 1824 Wye House
Margaret Shaw 11 1824 Wye House
Maria Bently 12 1824 house Wye House
Maria Roberts 20 1824 Wye House
Maria Skinner 14 1824 Wye House
Maria Williams 2 1824 Wye House
Maria Ann Roberts 2 1824 Wye House
Mary Cooper 2 1824 Wye House
Mary Demby 8 1824 Wye House
Mary Hill 39 1824 Wye House
Mary Rose 17 1824 Wye House
Mary Sutton 6 1824 Wye House
Mary Williams 0 1824 [infant]; 6 months Wye House
Mary Ann Gale 1 1824 Wye House
Merena Copper 11 1824 house Wye House
Merena Copper 27 1824 Wye House
Merena Sutton 1 1824 Wye House
Merena Yellow 29 1824 Wye House
Milly Cooper 6 1824 Wye House
Milly Roberts 37 1824 Wye House
Nancy Bently 17 1824 Wye House
Nanny Copper 53 1824 Wye House
Ned Roberts 14 1824 Wye House
Ned Schooner 45 1824 Wye House
Nelly Kellem 37 1824 Wye House
Nelly Shaw 8 1824 Wye House
Perry Roberts 8 1824 Wye House
Peter Roberts 0 1824 [infant]; 8 months Wye House
Peter Schooner 24 1824 Wye House
Phillis Cornish 8 1824 Wye House
Polly Copper 29 1824 Wye House
Polodore Peaca 6 1824 Wye House
Prissy Copper 35 1824 Wye House
Rachel Ca[w?] 65 1824 dead Wye House
Rachel Cooper 5 1824 Wye House
Rachel Cornish 24 1824 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 50 1824 Wye House
Richard Cooper 1 1824 Wye House
Rose Sutton 58 1824 Wye House
Rosetta Skinner 8 1824 Wye House
Sall Baker 28 1824 Wye House
Sall Bently 49 1824 Wye House
Sall Gooby 59 1824 Wye House
Sall Hill 41 1824 Wye House
Sally Johnson 1 1824 Wye House
Sam Bently 19 1824 Wye House
Sam Picket 9 1824 Wye House
Sam Shaw 47 1824 Wye House
Suck Gibson 50 1824 Wye House
Sucky Copper 31 1824 Wye House
Tom Badger 15 1824 Hopewell Wye House
Tom Becky 60 1824 Wye House
Tom Gooby 63 1824 Wye House
Tom Toddy 18 1824 Wye House
Toney Smith 51 1824 Wye House
Walter Gibson 3 1824 twin Wye House
Walter Woosted 49 1824 Wye House
Wesley Kellum 10 1824 out Wye House
Wesley Roberts 10 1824 Wye House
William Wilks 32 1824 Wye House
Abram Copper 39 1826 Wye House
Ann Maria Beck 8 1826 Wye House
Anna Copper 5 1826 Wye House
Anna Hill 21 1826 crippled; good for nothing Wye House
Anna Shaw 28 1826 Wye House
Anny Hill 13 1826 Wye House
Barnet Bently 16 1826 Wye House
Barnet Sampson 57 1826 worth but little Wye House
Beck Nelly 33 1826 Wye House
Beck Rose 30 1826 Wye House
Beck Wapping 19 1826 Wye House
Benjamin Roberts 1 1826 Wye House
Betsy Rose 3 1826 Wye House
Betts Cornish 52 1826 infirm; attends only to poultry Wye House
Betts Gooby 55 1826 infirm Wye House
Betts Roberts 26 1826 Wye House
Betts Rose 42 1826 Wye House
Betts Shaw 31 1826 Wye House
Betty Cooper 1 1826 Wye House
Bill Bently 26 1826 Wye House
Bill Cooper 54 1826 Wye House
Bill Nelly 26 1826 Wye House
Bill Reason 38 1826 Wye House
Bill Rose 23 1826 sold Wye House
Bill Wapping 11 1826 Wye House
Billen Cooper 19 1826 Wye House
Cate Cornish 28 1826 Wye House
Charity Demby 5 1826 Wye House
Charles Copper 9 1826 Wye House
Charles Kellem 18 1826 Wye House
Charles Skinner 14 1826 Wye House
Charles Wapping 6 1826 Wye House
Charlot Johnson 4 1826 Wye House
Charlote Thomas 1 1826 Wye House
Daniel Gibson 5 1826 Wye House
Daniel Johnson 6 1826 Wye House
Daniel Shaw 2 1826 Wye House
Dick Becky 63 1826 good for his age Wye House
Dick Cornish [A] 9 1826 Wye House
Dick Cornish [B] 35 1826 Wye House
Dick Inglish 63 1826 past labor Wye House
Dick Loockerman 21 1826 Wye House
Doll Roberts 60 1826 blind, good for nothing Wye House
Easter Copper 55 1826 unable to work except as [?] Wye House
Elena Copper 1 1826 Wye House
Emanuel Cornish 22 1826 Wye House
Emanuel Wapping 17 1826 Wye House
Ennals Kellum 22 1826 Wye House
Ennels Beck 6 1826 Wye House
Ezekel Cooper 1 1826 Wye House
Fanny Cornish 20 1826 Wye House
Fanny Roberts 8 1826 Wye House
Frank Cornish 31 1826 female Wye House
Franky Baker 67 1826 Wye House
George Cooter 67 1826 past labor Wye House
Green Cooper 11 1826 Wye House
Harry Kitt 43 1826 has a rupture Wye House
Harry Rose 42 1826 Wye House
Harry Schooner 37 1826 Wye House
Henny Wapping [B] 41 1826 good for very little Wye House
Hennyetta Copper 8 1826 Wye House
Henry C--y 1 1826 Wye House
Henry Gibson 19 1826 Wye House
Henry Kellum 5 1826 Wye House
Henry Sampson 8 1826 Wye House
Henry Thomas 3 1826 Wye House
Henry Williams 11 1826 Wye House
Hester Ann Skinner 8 1826 Wye House
Isaac Copper [A] 60 1826 unable to labor Wye House
Isaac Copper [B] 31 1826 Wye House
Isaac Copper [C] 27 1826 house Wye House
Isaac Copper [D] 9 1826 Wye House
Isaac Roberts [A] 62 1826 past labor Wye House
Isaac Roberts [B] 5 1826 Wye House
Jack Kinnamont [B] 38 1826 Wye House
Jacob Bromell [A] 57 1826 good for his age Wye House
Jacob Bromell [B] 18 1826 lame Wye House
Jacob Copper [C] 2 1826 Wye House
Jacob Greenwood 1 1826 Wye House
Jacob Johnson 1 1826 Wye House
Jacob Sucks 28 1826 Wye House
Jacob Williams 8 1826 Wye House
James Colvert 8 1826 Wye House
James Copper 40 1826 Wye House
James Thomas 1 1826 Wye House
James Washington 3 1826 Wye House
Jane Demby 8 1826 Wye House
Jim Beck 11 1826 Wye House
Jim Bently 11 1826 Wye House
Jim Pomp 31 1826 Wye House
Jim Shaw 18 1826 Wye House
John Bracco 14 1826 Wye House
John Greenwood 5 1826 Wye House
John Henry 9 1826 Wye House
John Kitt 43 1826 Wye House
John Sampson 6 1826 Wye House
John Wapping 13 1826 Wye House
John Henry Cooper 2 1826 Wye House
Johnson Bromell 7 1826 Wye House
Kitty Cox 5 1826 Wye House
Mable Skinner 19 1826 Wye House
Marena Copper 29 1826 Wye House
Marena Sutton 3 1826 Wye House
Margaret Beck 14 1826 Wye House
Margaret Copper 19 1826 Wye House
Margaret Shaw 13 1826 at house Wye House
Maria Bentley 14 1826 Wye House
Maria Roberts 22 1826 Wye House
Maria Skinner 16 1826 Wye House
Maria Williams 4 1826 Wye House
Maria Ann Roberts 4 1826 Wye House
Mary Baker 1 1826 Wye House
Mary Cooper 4 1826 Wye House
Mary Demby 10 1826 Wye House
Mary Hill 41 1826 Wye House
Mary Rose 19 1826 Wye House
Mary Sutton 8 1826 Wye House
Mary Williams 1 1826 Wye House
Mary Ann Gale 3 1826 Wye House
Merena Copper 13 1826 Wye House
Merena Copper 29 1826 Wye House
Merena Yellow 31 1826 Wye House
Milley Roberts 39 1826 Wye House
Milly Cooper 8 1826 Wye House
Nancy Bently 19 1826 Wye House
Nancy Copper 55 1826 infirm Wye House
Ned Roberts 16 1826 Wye House
Ned Schooner 47 1826 hearty for his age Wye House
Nelly Kellem 39 1826 Wye House
Nelly Shaw 10 1826 Wye House
Perry Roberts 10 1826 Wye House
Pete Schooner 27 1826 Wye House
Peter Roberts 2 1826 Wye House
Phillis Cornish 10 1826 Wye House
Polly Copper 31 1826 Wye House
Polodore Peaca 8 1826 Wye House
Prissey's Jacob 47 1826 infirm; does little work Wye House
Prissy Copper 37 1826 Wye House
Rachel Cooper 7 1826 Wye House
Rachel Cornish 26 1826 Wye House
Rachel Shaw 51 1826 unable to work Wye House
Richard Cooper 3 1826 Wye House
Rose Sutton 60 1826 attends to poultry Wye House
Rosetta Skinner 10 1826 Wye House
Sall Baker 30 1826 Wye House
Sall Bently 57 1826 crippled hand but [?] Wye House
Sall Gooby 61 1826 good for her age Wye House
Sall Hill 43 1826 infirm Wye House
Sally Johnson 3 1826 Wye House
Sam Bently 21 1826 house Wye House
Sam Picket 11 1826 Wye House
Sam Shaw 49 1826 good for his age Wye House
Suck Gibson 52 1826 unable to work Wye House
Suckey Copper 33 1826 Wye House
Tom Becky 62 1826 good for his age Wye House
Tom Gooby 65 1826 past labor Wye House
Tom Toddy 20 1826 Wye House
Toney Smith 53 1826 infirm Wye House
Walter Gibson 5 1826 Wye House
Walter Woosed 51 1826 worth but little Wye House
Wesley Kellum 12 1826 Wye House
Wesley Roberts 12 1826 Wye House
William Wilks 34 1826 Wye House
Abraham Copper 47 1834 Wye House
Amy Hill 21 1834 Wye House
Anna Cox 5 1834 Wye House
Anna Shaw 36 1834 Wye House
Anna Thomas 5 1834 Wye House
Anna 6 1834 from Timber Creek Wye House
Anny Hill 29 1834 cripple Wye House
Arianna Johnson 3 1834 Wye House
Barnett Bently 24 1834 dead Wye House
Barnett Samson 64 1834 dead Wye House
Beck Rose 38 1834 sickly Wye House
Beck Wapping 27 1834 Wye House
Ben Johnson 32 1834 Wye House
Benjamin Roberts 9 1834 out Wye House
Beth Cornish 60 1834 Wye House
Beth Rose 57 1834 Wye House
Beth Rose 11 1834 to go out Wye House
Betsy Copper 2 1834 Wye House
Betty Cooper 9 1834 Wye House
Bill Sloop 23 1834 Wye House
Charity Demby 13 1834 Wye House
Charles Cooper 2 1834 Wye House
Charles Kellum 26 1834 Wye House
Charles Skinner 20 1834 sloop Wye House
Charles Skinner 1 1834 dead Wye House
Charles Thomas 17 1834 Wye House
Charles Wapping 14 1834 Wye House
Daniel Cox 3 1834 Wye House
Daniel Johnson 14 1834 Wye House
Dick Beckey[?] 71 1834 Wye House
Dick Cooper 10 1834 Wye House
Dick Cornish 43 1834 Wye House
Dick Cornish 17 1834 Wye House
Dick Lockerman 29 1834 Wye House
Doll Roberts 68 1834 blond Wye House
Ealey Sutton 6 1834 Wye House
Easther Copper 63 1834 Wye House
Eliza Cooper 5 1834 Wye House
Ellen Copper 10 1834 Wye House
Emanuel Cornish 30 1834 Wye House
Ezekiel Cooper 9 1834 out Wye House
Fanny Cornish 28 1834 Wye House
Fanny Roberts 16 1834 Wye House
Frances Baker 5 1834 K Wye House
Franey 1 1834 from TN Wye House
Frank Cornish 39 1834 Wye House
Franky Baker 75 1834 Wye House
Green Cooper 19 1834 Wye House
Harriot Demby 3 1834 Wye House
Harriot 2 1834 from TN Wye House
Harry Rose 50 1834 Wye House
Henny Wapping 48 1834 house Wye House
Hennyetta Copper 16 1834 house Wye House
Henry Kellum 13 1834 Wye House
Henry Priss 15 1834 small Wye House
Henry Roberts 7 1834 Wye House
Henry Samson 16 1834 house Wye House
Henry Seney 9 1834 out Wye House
Henry Sloop 27 1834 Wye House
Henry Thomas 11 1834 sloop Wye House
Heply[?] Cooper 5 1834 Wye House
Hester Skinner 16 1834 Wye House
Isaac Copper 68 1834 Wye House
Isaac Copper 35 1834 shoemaker Wye House
Isaac Copper 35 1834 house Wye House
Isaac Roberts 13 1834 Wye House
Jacob Bromell 26 1834 Wye House
Jacob Cooper 10 1834 Wye House
Jacob Johnson 9 1834 out Wye House
Jacob Priss 55 1834 infirm Wye House
Jacob Priss 8 1834 Wye House
Jacob Suck 36 1834 Wye House
Jake Affy[?] 8 1834 out Wye House
Jake Williams 16 1834 Wye House
James Copper 48 1834 Wye House
James Gibson 5 1834 Wye House
James Johnson 5 1834 Wye House
Jane Demby 16 1834 Wye House
Jane M. Roots 1 1834 Wye House
Jim Bently 19 1834 Wye House
Jim Shaco[?] 26 1834 sloop Wye House
Jim Thomas 9 1834 out Wye House
John Bracco 22 1834 Wye House
John Cooper 10 1834 Wye House
John Griffin 19 1834 Wye House
John Henry 17 1834 Wye House
John Johnson 8 1834 Wye House
John Katt 51 1834 sloop Wye House
John Samson 14 1834 house Wye House
John Sherman 2 1834 Wye House
Johnson Bromell 15 1834 layer[?] Wye House
Joseph Copper 1 1834 Wye House
July Anna 1 1834 Wye House
Kitt Gibson 24 1834 Wye House
Kitty Cox 13 1834 Wye House
Laf--tta Williams 8 1834 out Wye House
Lyddia Cooper 1 1834 Wye House
Mable Skinner 27 1834 Wye House
Margaret Williams 21 1834 house Wye House
Maria Bently 22 1834 Wye House
Maria Copper 7 1834 Wye House
Maria Roberts 30 1834 house Wye House
Maria Roberts 7 1834 Wye House
Maria Skinner 4 1834 Wye House
Maria Williams 12 1834 to go out Wye House
Mary Demby 18 1834 Wye House
Mary Gale 13 1834 house Wye House
Mary Hill 49 1834 Wye House
Mary Johnson 1834 Wye House
Mary Roberts 7 1834 Wye House
Mary Rose 27 1834 Wye House
Mary Sutton 16 1834 dead Wye House
Mary Williams 10 1834 Wye House
Mary Anna Kellum 5 1834 Wye House
Merena Copper 37 1834 house Wye House
Merena Sutton 11 1834 to go out Wye House
Merena Yellow 39 1834 Wye House
Milly Cooper 16 1834 Wye House
Molly Williams 1 1834 Wye House
Nanny Copper 63 1834 Wye House
Nelly Kellum 47 1834 Wye House
Nelly Kellum 2 1834 Wye House
Peter Sloop 35 1834 Wye House
Peter Williams 7 1834 Wye House
Prissy Copper 45 1834 Wye House
Rachel Cooper 15 1834 house Wye House
Rachel Shaw 59 1834 Wye House
Retty[?] Johnson 5 1834 Wye House
Rich Sloop 16 1834 Wye House
Richard Roberts 1 1834 Wye House
Rose Sutton 68 1834 Wye House
Rosetta Nichols 4 1834 Wye House
Sall Bently 59 1834 dead Wye House
Sall Gooby 69 1834 Wye House
Sall Hill 57 1834 Wye House
Sally Baker 38 1834 Wye House
Sally Bently 7 1834 Wye House
Sally Johnson 11 1834 to go out Wye House
Sally Poney[?] 13 1834 Wye House
Sally Ann Gibson 1834 Wye House
Sam Bently 29 1834 house Wye House
Sam Picket 19 1834 Wye House
Sharlotte Johnson 11 1834 to go out Wye House
Sharlotte Thomas 10 1834 Wye House
Suck Gibson 60 1834 Wye House
Suckey Copper 41 1834 Wye House
Tom Bookey 70 1834 Wye House
Tom Goby 73 1834 Wye House
Toney Smith 61 1834 Wye House
Washington Roberts 5 1834 Wye House
Wesley Kellum 20 1834 Wye House
Peg 15 1796 bequest Wye House[?]
Beck Cornish 1773 child Wye Town
Bill 1773 child Wye Town
Bob 1773 adult; possibly from Hammonds Wye Town
D. Beck 1773 adult Wye Town
Dick 1773 boy Wye Town
Hester 1773 adult; poss to Home House Wye Town
Hester 1773 child Wye Town
Jack 1773 adult; possibly to Home House after Wye Town
Jack 1773 boy Wye Town
Jenny 1773 girl; poss to Forrest or Home House Wye Town
Jenny 1773 adult; poss to Forrest or Home House Wye Town
Joice 1773 adult; poss to Home House Wye Town
Nan 1773 child Wye Town
Natt 1773 boy Wye Town
Nelly 1773 girl Wye Town
Nero 1773 adult Wye Town
Old Sarah [?] (Sarah) 1773 adult; poss to Home House Wye Town
Patt 1773 adult Wye Town
Pris's Sam 1773 boy Wye Town
Rose 1773 child; possibly from Home House Wye Town
Sambo 1773 adult Wye Town
Sambo's Yellow Molly 1773 adult Wye Town
Solomon 1773 boy; possibly to Home House Wye Town
Suck 1773 adult Wye Town
Tom 1773 boy; possibly to Home House Wye Town
Toney 1773 adult Wye Town
Toney 1773 child Wye Town
Unknown 1773 boy Wye Town
Nero 1774 Wye Town
Adam 1787 adult; possibly from White House Wye Town
Beck Cornish 1787 girl; probably to Home House Wye Town
Beck's Poll Town Poll 1787 Wye Town
Ben 1787 adult; possibly from Home House Wye Town
Frank 1787 adult; possibly from 400 Acres Wye Town
Nan 1787 Wye Town
Ned 1787 boy Wye Town
Nero 1787 Wye Town
Pris's Sam 1787 Wye Town
Sambo 1787 Wye Town
Sambo's Yellow Molly 1787 Wye Town
Suck 1787 Wye Town
Toney 1787 Wye Town
Adam 60 1793 half share Wye Town
Beck's Poll Town Poll 35 1793 full share Wye Town
Ben 35 1793 full share Wye Town
Charles 0 1793 4 m Wye Town
D. Beck 65 1793 Wye Town
Esther's Jacob 0 1793 10 mos. Wye Town
Esther's Mary 4 1793 Wye Town
Hester 29 1793 full share Wye Town
Isaac 30 1793 full share; poss from Home Hse Wye Town
Joe 16 1793 half share Wye Town
Joice 9 1793 Wye Town
Matt's Molly 24 1793 full share; from Home House Wye Town
Matt's Molly's Poll 2 1793 Wye Town
Matt's Molly's Priss 0 1793 2 mos. Wye Town
Matt's Molly's Suck 0 1793 8 mos. Wye Town
Nan 22 1793 full share Wye Town
Nero 40 1793 full share Wye Town
Patt 60 1793 half share Wye Town
Poll's Sam 16 1793 half share; poss fr Home Hse Wye Town
Pris's Sam 28 1793 full share Wye Town
Sambo's Yellow Molly 40 1793 full share Wye Town
Suck 60 1793 Wye Town
Tom Poney 17 1793 full share Wye Town
Toney 45 1793 full share Wye Town
Town Poll's Joice 1 1793 Wye Town
Town Poll's Mary 7 1793 Wye Town
Wye Molly's Cate 7 1793 Wye Town
Wye Molly's Fanny 11 1793 Fanny Cornish; from Home House Wye Town
Wye Molly's Sall 5 1793 Wye Town
Adam 61 1794 half share Wye Town
Beck's Poll Town Poll 36 1794 full share Wye Town
Ben 36 1794 full share Wye Town
Charles 1 1794 Wye Town
Esther's Jacob 2 1794 Wye Town
Esther's Mary 5 1794 Wye Town
Hester 30 1794 full share Wye Town
Isaac 31 1794 full share Wye Town
Joe 17 1794 full share Wye Town
Joice 10 1794 Wye Town
Matt's Molly 25 1794 full share Wye Town
Matt's Molly's Poll 3 1794 Wye Town
Matt's Molly's Suck 2 1794 Wye Town
Nan 23 1794 full share Wye Town
Nero 41 1794 full share Wye Town
Patt 61 1794 half share Wye Town
Poll's Sam 17 1794 full share Wye Town
Pris's Sam 29 1794 full share Wye Town
Priss 6 1794 Wye Town
Sambo's Yellow Molly 41 1794 full share Wye Town
Tom Poney 18 1794 full share Wye Town
Toney 46 1794 full share Wye Town
Town Poll's Joice 2 1794 Wye Town
Town Poll's Mary 8 1794 Wye Town
Town Poll's Sall 0 1794 4 mos. Wye Town
Wye Molly's Cate 8 1794 Wye Town
Wye Molly's Sall 6 1794 Wye Town
Adam 62 1795 half share Wye Town
Beck, little 8 1795 from 400 Acres Wye Town
Beck's Poll Town Poll 37 1795 full share Wye Town
Ben 37 1795 full share Wye Town
Daniel 1st 7 1795 from 400 Acres Wye Town
Esther's Jacob 2 1795 died 8/95 Wye Town
Esther's Mary 4 1795 Wye Town
Esther's Sam 0 1795 9 mos. Wye Town
Hester 31 1795 full share Wye Town
Isaac 32 1795 full share Wye Town
Joe 18 1795 full share Wye Town
Joice 10 1795 Wye Town
Matt's Molly 26 1795 full share Wye Town
Matt's Molly's Poll 4 1795 Wye Town
Matt's Molly's Priss 4 1795 Wye Town
Matt's Molly's Suck 3 1795 Wye Town
Nan 24 1795 full share Wye Town
Nan's Fanny 0 1795 6 mos. Wye Town
Nan's Suck 2 1795 Wye Town
Nero 42 1795 full share Wye Town
Patt 62 1795 died 2/95 Wye Town
Poll's Sam 18 1795 full share Wye Town
Pris's Sam 30 1795 full share Wye Town
Priss 7 1795 Wye Town
Sambo's Yellow Molly 42 1795 full share Wye Town
Tom Poney 19 1795 full share Wye Town
Toney 47 1795 full share Wye Town
Town Poll's Joice 3 1795 Wye Town
Town Poll's Mary 9 1795 Wye Town
Town Poll's Sall 1 1795 Wye Town
Wye Molly's Beck 1 1795 Wye Town
Wye Molly's Cate 7 1795 Wye Town
Wye Molly's Sall 5 1795 Wye Town
Adam 63 1796 Wye Town
Beck's Poll Town Poll 38 1796 (Poll) Wye Town
Ben 38 1796 Wye Town
Daniel 1st 9 1796 Wye Town
Esther 35 1796 Wye Town
Esther's Mary 6 1796 Wye Town
Esther's Sam 2 1796 Wye Town
Hester 35 1796 Wye Town
Isaac 34 1796 Wye Town
Joe 20 1796 Wye Town
Matt's Molly 28 1796 (Sam's Molly in pltn book) Wye Town
Matt's Molly's Poll 5 1796 Wye Town
Nan 25 1796 Wye Town
Nan's Fanny 2 1796 Wye Town
Nan's Suck 2 1796 (Suck/ or Matt's Molly's Suck) Wye Town
Nero 50 1796 Wye Town
Poll's Sam 19 1796 Wye Town
Pris's Sam 32 1796 Wye Town
Priss 4 1796 Wye Town
Sambo's Yellow Molly 44 1796 Wye Town
Tom Poney 21 1796 Wye Town
Toney 55 1796 Wye Town
Town Poll's Joice 5 1796 Wye Town
Town Poll's Mary 10 1796 Wye Town
Wye Molly's Beck 3 1796 Wye Town
Wye Molly's Cate 9 1796 Wye Town
Wye Molly's Fanny 15 1796 Fanny Cornish; half share Wye Town
Wye Molly's Sall 7 1796 (Sall) Wye Town
Joice 13 1796 Wye Town[?]